
Interior Ministry reveals details of murder of former ambassador's son in Sheikh Zayed

The Egyptian Interior Ministry has revealed the circumstances under which the son of a former Egyptian ambassador was murdered in his home, where he was stabbed to death in a famous building complex in Sheikh Zayed City in Giza.

The ministry said on Saturday that the body of an employee of a foreign company was found covered in stab wounds.

When questioned, the victim's father stated that his deceased son had worked abroad, had been on vacation for a month and was living alone.

The efforts of the Public Security Sector in cooperation with the Giza Security Directorate led to the identification and arrest of the perpetrators of the incident in their hideout in Beheira Governorate.

It turned out that they were two students who lived at the same address.

When confronted, they confessed to committing the incident. Knowing that the victim lived alone, they had the idea of ​​robbing him, so they climbed to the roof of the building where one of them lived and were able to jump and enter the balcony of his house.

They attacked him with a taser and then stabbed him with a knife they had in their possession and a dagger belonging to the victim until he died.

They then confiscated some of his belongings, including his cell phone and car, and disposed of the knife and dagger used in the murder.

One of them admitted to handing over the victim's mobile phone to a person who was arrested and was in possession of the confiscated phone.

They also indicated the location of the impounded car in a parking lot at one of the shopping malls in the area.

Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm