
Cold Case: Will a 30-year-old murder case now be solved?

More than 30 years ago, a man was killed in his apartment in Horn. For decades, there were no developments in the case. Nevertheless, a suspect will appear before the Hamburg district court on Monday. Can the murder case now be solved after all?

A leap back in time to 1992: Late in the evening of March 12, the accused and the victim are sitting together in his apartment in Dahrendorfweg (Horn) and drinking several alcoholic drinks together. The accused man is now 53 years old and will have to answer to the jury for murder starting Monday.

Accusation: Man killed out of greed

During the course of the evening, an argument broke out between the men. The situation eventually escalated: the accused grabbed the bottle and hit the other man on the head with it. He then tied up the seriously injured man with a torn bedsheet, gagged him with a piece of cloth and finally strangled him, according to the indictment.

The motive for the crime: greed. The dead man worked as a flower seller at the main train station. His daily earnings of 1,500 to 2,000 D-Marks were in his apartment. The accused is said to have pocketed the money and left the apartment.

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After more than 30 years, the trial begins on Monday, September 9, at 9 a.m. in the Hamburg Regional Court. (mp)