
NDPP expected to rule on Mackay's application to drop his corruption charges

JOHANNESBURG – The National Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) is expected to announce a decision on Tuesday on former Enterprise Outsourcing Holdings (EOH) boss Jehan Mackay’s application to drop corruption charges against him.

Mackay is jointly charged with Zizi Kodwa, the former national spokesperson of the African National Congress (ANC).

Mackay is alleged to have paid Kodwa R1.7 million in bribes between 2014 and 2016. In return, Kodwa used his influence in the ruling party to steer government tenders to EOH.

ALSO READ: Mackay says there is not enough evidence he bribed Kodwa in exchange for government tenders

The couple are expected to appear before the Special Economic Crimes Court in Palm Ridge.

Mackay believes the state's case is weak and not sufficiently compelling to go to court.

Mackay's request to dismiss the charges has already been rejected by the Special Economic Crimes Division.

Meanwhile, the state and Kodwa's lawyers said they were ready to begin the trial.

At his last appearance, Kodwa's legal representative Zola Majavu said the delays in the proceedings would have a negative impact on his client's political career.

Majavu said they would weigh their options if Mackay's legal team continued to delay the case.