
CNN's “NewsNight With Abby Phillip” gets into a war of words over Trump's “white supremacy”

A panel discussion on CNN degenerated into a war of words as panelists argued over whether Trump “protects and projects the idea of ​​white supremacy.”

The heated exchange took place on Monday evening during the broadcast of NewsNight with Abby Phillipwhich featured guests such as David Urban, Keith Boykin, Ana Navarro, Brian Stelter and Madison Gesiotto, who participated in a conversation ahead of Tuesday's presidential debate.

The issue came to light after Urban, a former Trump strategist, claimed that the Republican candidate was an “equal” in terms of support for his campaign, despite his “warts” and “flaws.”

“I never really talk about it because it's not politically correct to say it, but because of white people, he's neck and neck,” said Boykin, a former Democratic consultant. “The majority of white people support Donald Trump.”

He added: “If it were up to blacks or Latinos, Asian Americans and other people of color, he would lose by a landslide.”

Then a riot broke out, with all the panelists trying to counter Urban by saying that Trump actually enjoys growing support among racial minorities. But Boykin shot back, saying Trump's lead is solely because he “protects and projects the idea of ​​white supremacy.”

“That's what resonates,” Boykin added. “People talk about the economic fear in 2016 and then Trump went off and led a cavalcade of racism.”

Urban then implored Boykin to “be serious” and not be “crazy” and “delusional,” with Boykin slamming the table with the palm of his hand and insisting that Trump has “no better reputation” among black voters.

Stelter was quick to point out that Trump's approval ratings among ethnic minority groups actually appear to have increased since 2016.

Nevertheless, he called Urban back: “It’s not just about white dominance, it’s about male dominance.”

“In addition to white dominance, it's also about preserving the status of men,” said Stelter, rounding off the still tense discussion. “Men in this society are in a very interesting position right now in terms of the messages of the Trump campaign, and I think that's worth examining.”