
Rayados gana por primera vez con Demichelis, venence al Santos| Mediotitempo

Rayados logró su primer triunfo bajo el mando de Martin Demichelis, all 2-0 against Santos on April 7, 2024; since he left Tano Ortiz, Monterrey was with Xolos empatado and lost with Toluca.

Before leaving three points, the government congratulated Monterrey on Santos, and that lasted up to 4 minutes until a center was in the area Brandon Vazquez Remato with the pierna, to deliver the esferico to the redes. Después, Berterame logró marcar el segundo al final del encuentro.

The result was that in the villages of Arriba they were only 16 kilometers away, up to an hour Diablos. I'm in Santos in 5 hours.

The accidental prank

In the 21st minute, Germán Berterame provoked the death Santiago Navedamust be a random codazo casi mitad de cancha.

Shining stars

Santos was not very dangerous and tenía poca position de balónWhen Ramiro Sordo retired from the area's Fuera at the age of 38, Esteban Andrada tried to avoid the tag.

The Bear of Berterame

Al 41', Berterame Falló una jugada muy clara de golBecause it was more complicated to concrete once the Arquero Carlos Acevedo I received a long-distance balloon and made a gift for the Delantero of Monterrey, although I had to take the balloon out of an incredible mold.

Oliver Torres There was also some decay in the office, especially at the time of definition; Brandon has an opportunity more than once throughout the game.

Santos mientras tanto buscaba reaccionar, pero tampoco era efectivo; Santiago Nunez You'll have the opportunity to have fun, but your stay at Cabin 64 will give you the opportunity to hit the road.

Yes, it started in the second part Guerrero's They recover from the attitude, take up the work by losing the money and have to turn to the government.

Debut of Lucas Ocampo

The Argentine jugador he receives Seville, Lucas OcamposDebut with Rayados When he entered the substitution in the 73rd minute, he followed Spanish television channel Óliver Torres on August 17.

Berterame appears

Finally, Berterame spoke up when Acevedo transformed himself into the figure of Santos and rejected her throughout the meeting. Germán Berterame remató A Balón que parecía impossiblebut logró cambiar su trayectoria cerca de la linea de fondo para vencer al portero Mexicano.