
In the picture about Operation Christmas Child, free workshop on July 28th –

A free workshop titled “Keeping Up to Date on Operation Christmas Child” will be held on Sunday, July 28, 2024 from 2:30-4:00 p.m. at Towering Oaks Baptist Church.

Operation Christmas Child's mission is to show God's love in a tangible way to children in need around the world. The organization partners with local churches worldwide to support its mission. Members pack shoeboxes with gifts such as toys, school supplies and hygiene products and deliver them to children.

The ministry has been spreading love since 1993 and has shipped over 220 million shoeboxes to over 170 countries since its inception. In 2023, they delivered 11.3 million shoeboxes to children.

Join others who are passionate about sharing the gospel through this incredible project. Theresa Sawyer, a member of Operation Christmas Child, said 2.9 million children have accepted Jesus through this initiative. She thanks Towering Oaks Baptist Church for partnering with Operation Christmas Child.

The goal for Northeast Tennessee is to ship 61,000 shoeboxes to children in 2024. Last year, 55,951 shoeboxes were shipped in East Tennessee.

Learn how you can get involved, hear from a shoebox recipient/survivor of the Rwandan genocide, and learn about the shoebox delivery to Kenya in 2024. The event will be held at 1985 Buckingham Road. For questions or more information, call Melissa Pitts at 807-384-4021.