
Fans surprised by Kit Chan's divorce

20. February – Singaporean singer Kit Chan recently surprised many when she admitted to getting a divorce after five years of marriage.

As Mingpao reported, the singer recently revealed her current status in an interview with a local media outlet. She said she and her husband, a banker, separated last year and intentionally kept the news to herself.

“Only a few close friends know about it. Even my family didn't find out until much later,” she said.

She admitted that she had always been independent, both mentally and emotionally, while a relationship is always about two people.

When asked why she decided to announce the news now, she said she simply didn't want to answer any more “stupid questions” about her Valentine's Day plans.

Kit's record label, however, declined to comment on her divorce, saying they were unaware of her personal affairs.

Following the interview, Kit expressed himself on Weibo, saying, “It is easy to thank God for all the good things He has given us in our lives. However, thanking Him for allowing bad people or things into our lives is comparatively harder. Despite this, I try to be grateful.”

“I am entering a new phase of my life. There are many things I deserve, but of course there are also many things I must leave behind. 'He has made everything right in its time.' (Ecclesiastes 3:11),” she added.

(Photo source: Kit Chan Weibo)