
Heritage Days 2024: Discover the archaeological site of Pincevent (77)

On Saturday, September 21 and Sunday, September 22, 2024, the Journées de Patrimoine return to Paris and the Île-de-France region. In Pincevent, in the Seine-et-Marne department, discover the city's archaeological site.

The European Heritage Daysinitiated in 1984 by the French Ministry of Cultureare an annual event every third weekend in Septemberand have been open to all European countries since 1991. It is a unique opportunity to discover places and Monuments that are normally closed to the publicor to gain free access “behind the scenes” of cultural sites that are rarely open to the general public.

In Paris, the European Heritage Days take on a special dimension thanks to the diversity and density of the capital’s cultural and historical sites. Visitors can discover hidden treasures such as Private villas, Ministries And Embassiesas well as renowned cultural institutions such as the Louvre, the Opéra Garnier and Philharmonie de ParisGuided tours, temporary exhibitions and workshops are often organized for this occasion.

The archaeological site of Pincevent in the Seine-et-Marne region is one of the the most important prehistoric sites in France. Discovered in the 1960s, it is a Settlement from the Magdalenian from around 12,000 BC. Excavations have revealed remarkably well-preserved remains of the Everyday life of reindeer huntersincluding flint tools, remains of fireplaces and residential structures. The site offers a unique insight into the life of the last prehistoric hunters and gatherersand is regularly studied by archaeologists to better understand the lifestyles and environmental adaptations of our ancestors.

The programme of the Heritage Days 2024 at the Pincevent archaeological site:

  • Workshop “Food”
    21 and 22 September

    In addition to the guided tours, a workshop will be offered to raise awareness of Late Palaeolithic ways of life and target shooting with thrusters. The aim of this workshop is to show the public how the Magdalenians hunted to obtain their food resources, as well as the weapons they used for hunting: the assegai and the thruster.
    Discovery of prehistoric hunting weapons and the various types of thrusters and projectile points known from the Magdalenian period, accompanied by an introduction to thruster shooting at a target
    All spectators for the discovery part, from 8 years for the introduction to shooting
    Workshop duration: 1h
    Workshop times: hourly

  • Workshop “Demonstration of old fire-making techniques”
    21 and 22 September

    Through this demonstration you will learn the different fire-lighting techniques known from prehistoric times.

  • Workshop “Excavator Container”
    21 and 22 September

    This workshop invites young people to explore the remains excavated by archaeologists at the Pincevent archaeological site. Through a discovery activity, young people can experience the joys of excavation and develop a better understanding of the objects left behind by prehistoric people.

  • Guided tours of the Pincevent site
    21 and 22 September

    You can discover the remains of campsites excavated since the 1960s, as well as the working methods researchers used to better understand this extraordinary place.
    Registration required.

  • Screening of the film “The Last Reindeer Hunter”
    21 and 22 September

    Discover the reindeer hunting communities of the Île-de-France region at the end of the Ice Age 14,000 years ago.