
when does it end and why do Christians celebrate it?

Christians around the world celebrate Lent with fasting and penance, while abstaining from luxuries.

The period begins on Ash Wednesday (February 14) and lasts 40 days.

When Lent is over, it is time for the Easter holidays.

Here you will find everything you need to know about this religious tradition.

What is Lent?

Lent is a 40-day period (not counting Sundays) observed by many Christians, particularly those of the Catholic, Orthodox, Lutheran, Anglican and some Protestant traditions. It begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Saturday – the day before Easter Sunday.

Lent is a time of reflection, repentance and preparation for Easter, which commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. During Lent, Christians may engage in practices such as fasting, prayer, repentance and self-denial to draw closer to God and reflect on the meaning of Jesus' sacrifice.

The 40 days of Lent are symbolic and derive from the 40 days that Jesus fasted in the desert, as reported in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke. The ashes used on Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent, are often made from the burnt palm branches from the previous year's Palm Sunday celebrations.

When is Lent 2024?

Lent began after Shrove Tuesday, also known as Pancake Day, and begins on Ash Wednesday (February 14, which was also Valentine's Day this year). The two holidays are linked because Christians traditionally eat the foods they choose to abstain from during Lent on Pancake Day.

Lent 2024 lasts until Thursday, March 28, with the evening mass on Maundy Thursday.

The last week of Lent is Holy Week, which begins on Palm Sunday and ends on Holy Saturday.

At the end of Lent, Easter Sunday begins on March 31st to commemorate Christians’ belief in the resurrection of Jesus.

What could I do without during Lent 2024?

Deciding what to give up during Lent is a personal decision. Often it involves giving up something meaningful or something that has a strong presence in your life.

Here are some things people often give up during Lent:

  • Food and Drink: Many people avoid certain foods or drinks, such as sweets, caffeine, alcohol or meat.

  • Social media or screen time: Some people choose to limit their use of social media, television, or other screens during Lent to focus more on spiritual things.

  • Negative habitsLent can be a time to break negative habits or behaviors such as gossiping, procrastination, or complaining.

  • Luxury or comfort: Giving up luxuries or amenities, such as shopping for non-essential items, going to restaurants, or taking hot showers, can help foster a spirit of simplicity and gratitude.

  • Time: Sacrificing time by doing more volunteer work, spending more time praying or meditating, or taking time to help others can be meaningful Lenten practices.

  • Personal vices: Some people give up personal vices such as smoking, excessive drinking, or gambling to focus on spiritual growth and self-improvement.

Ultimately, giving something up during Lent is about making space for spiritual reflection, growth, and connection with God. It's important to choose something that challenges you personally and helps you deepen your faith journey.

However, with Lent starting on Valentine's Day this year, it will be interesting to see if these three popular habits will be avoided in 2024. Maybe no boxes of chocolates, no glasses of champagne or romantic selfies this year?