
A girl's hilarious (and dramatic) childhood diary goes viral

When a teenager discovered her old diary from her childhood, she couldn't resist sharing the hilarious content online. The problems that plagued Madie's life at the age of seven became a huge hit online, with the tweet receiving over 22,000 retweets.

Madie, now 16, posted several entries recounting her first childhood love and how she had her heart broken when she was seven. She captioned the entries: “Found my diary when I was 7. I'm dying.”

The diary entry reads: “Today at school, my crush Riley was chasing other girls on the playground! I thought he liked me. And guess who he was chasing! Jessica! She's such a player! She hugs at least five boys every day! I'm so mad at her. I think I'm going to tell Riley her secret. She wears diapers! If he finds out, he won't like her anymore.”

On Valentine's Day, Madie described her despair when her gift for Riley was ignored, writing, “I made Riley a Valentine's gift. Katelyn and I stayed up all night making it. Before Riley started school, I put it in his desk. When he got to school, he looked in his desk and found my box. I wrote anonymously on it so he wouldn't know it was from me. When he looked at it [he threw] it's gone. I'm still crying. I'm depressed.”

The story gets even sadder for poor Madie when she reveals that Riley definitely likes Jessica. She concluded: “The worst day ever. Riley told me he likes Jessica. I'm sick of boys. I want to kill them all.” The then seven-year-old accompanied her final comment with a drawing of her revenge plans.

Madie's story has drawn hilarious reactions from Twitter users. One user tweeted: “Looks like you had the worst three days of your life boy,” while others wanted to know more about the story. One responded to the tweet: “Did you tell Riley she was in diapers?!?!!”

The teenager talked to Buzzfeed News about the dramatic love triangle. She said: “I don't remember writing about it, but I remember everything that happened in it. I just remember meeting up with my friends after school to discuss how we could get revenge on Jessica, and on Valentine's Day I remember just going home and crying.”