
How did Olympic equestrian Nayel Nassar and Bill Gates' daughter Jennifer Gates meet?

Jennifer Gates And Nayel Nassar's Love stories are rare these days. The best part is that horses play a major role in their connection. At the age of six, Jennifer saw horseback riding for the first time. She was fascinated by it and wanted to explore the field. Her parents had always supported her dreams, so it was easy to find comfort in that. Therefore, she decided that equestrianism was her calling. She started learning with a pony, but soon moved on to professional training at the age of eight. She has never looked back. But she also has support in the form of her partner, who has been by her side for many years.

Nayel Nassar, on the other hand, was born to Fouad Nassar And Iman Harbu in Chicago. They owned a large Kuwaiti architectural firm and could afford their son's passion for horses. After Nayel was born, they moved to Kuwait, where he spent most of his formative years. In 2009, he returned to the United States. Like Jennifer, he began riding horses at the tender age of five, which is another thing they have in common. He enrolled for his bachelor's degree at Stanford University. It was here that his fate and that of the daughter of the Microsoft founder would cross.

The beautiful love story of Nayel Nassar and Jennifer Gates


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The daughter of the Microsoft founder Bill GatesJennifer Gates started dating Nassar in 2017. She met him when she was 18, just before she started her studies at Stanford. Nassar had just graduated and they competed in a horse show. Jennifer recalled that this was the only event where she beat her husband. Nassar then helped and supported her during her first days at Stanford. She admitted that she considered him her role model back then and always looked up to him. They were friends for a few years before realizing that this had the potential to become something else.

Four years after this event, the couple started dating. Nassar announced it after posting a picture of the two having dinner on Valentine's Day. After that, the couple has never been shy about showing off each other on their social media channels. There are numerous posts where they congratulate each other on their birthdays and anniversaries. These posts are clear proof that the couple is as strong as ever. The couple got engaged in 2021, which was announced in another beautiful Instagram post by Jennifer.


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In the post, Jennifer proclaimed her love for him and called him “one of a kind.” She then shared how surprised she was by his proposal. They had gone on a skiing trip, one of their shared passions. She revealed that it was one of the most meaningful places for her and she didn't hesitate for a second before accepting his proposal. In the post addressed to Nassar, she said: “I can't wait to spend the rest of our lives learning, growing, laughing and loving together. Yes, a million times.” The couple married on October 16, 2021 in New York. Their first daughter was born on March 4 last year.

Both Nassar and Gates share a deep passion for equestrian sports

Since both started riding at a very young age, a professional career was inevitable if they trained well and justified their love of the sport. And they did. Both are even learned in their own way, but with varying degrees of success. Jenn is a practicing doctor after graduating, which has brought her even more benefits beyond her equestrian excursions.


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With her father's full support, Jennifer started competing in the Winter Equestrian Festival at the age of 15. To prepare her, Bill Gates rented a $600,000 mansion in Florida, equipped with all the resources a rider needs. In 2016, Jennifer won her first silver medal at the North American Junior Championship. The next year, she took first place at the U25 National Championship. After that, she won numerous medals in junior competitions. However, Jennifer decided she wanted to do something else full-time. She completed her medical degree and now, after 4 years of medical school, she is a pediatrician at Mt. Sinai in the field of pediatric research.

Her husband, on the other hand, is still very active. Nayel Nassar qualified for the 2021 Tokyo Olympics. This was his second appearance after London 2012. He rode his horse Igor, which he considered his favorite horse in the equestrian park. He finished in 24th place and thus could not win a medal. However, he has not given up on his dreams, as he will represent his country Egypt at the 2024 Paris Olympics. Jennifer Gates will be sitting in the stands and supporting her husband in everything.