
Australians are stunned when Coles releases Christmas decorations with Santa Claus decorations and mince pies in August: ‘Ridiculous’

Shoppers are amazed when they discover festive goods on supermarket shelves five months before Christmas.

A North Sydney woman found mince pies and Santa decorations on display at her local store in early August.

It's not the first time shoppers have been upset about the Christmas scam – thousands are furious because hot cross buns are on special offer on Boxing Day.

Coles seemed to acknowledge the fact that the Christmas spirit came earlier this year with a cheeky note on its Christmas decoration stalls.

“The bodies of Santas are made in winter,” it said. “(It's) not (yet) the time for a local Christmas at Coles.”

A retail worker previously revealed the real reason why shelves are stocked with Christmas goods so early: There is always demand.

“It's coming out so early because people are buying it so early – there are already people asking where the stock is,” she said.

“Stores have a flexible section dedicated to holiday items, so that section needs to be continually replenished to match from one holiday to the next.”

Australians are stunned when Coles releases Christmas decorations with Santa Claus decorations and mince pies in August: ‘Ridiculous’

Shoppers are amazed to see festive goods on supermarket shelves five months before Christmas

However, social media users were not so quick to get caught up in the Christmas spirit and posted pictures of the holiday treats on the Internet in disbelief.

“I think Coles got the dates wrong,” said one. “It's August.”

While some argued that the Australian tradition of celebrating Christmas in July was nothing unusual, it was jarring to see the Christmas decorations up so early in the year.

“Christmas comes earlier every year!” joked one.

This year Coles is leading the way, but other supermarket giants such as Woolworths and Aldi are expected to follow suit in the coming weeks.

Many Australians say it is easier to buy now and save items for later rather than rushing around shopping at the last minute.

A North Sydney woman discovered delicious mince pies and Santa decorations in her local shop in early August

A North Sydney woman discovered delicious mince pies and Santa decorations in her local shop in early August