
Evil sex offender Frank Valentine, who used his position at Parramatta Girls Training School to sexually abuse children, dies in custody

The former head of a social school who sexually abused several young girls and a 14-year-old boy has died while serving his prison sentence.

Frank Valentine, 82, died at Westmead Hospital in western Sydney at around 4pm on Thursday after being transferred for palliative care.

A spokesman for Corrective Services NSW confirmed that Valentine died in hospital yesterday.

“As per protocol, Corrective Services NSW and NSW Police investigate all deaths in custody, regardless of the circumstances,” the spokesman told Daily Mail Australia.

Valentine was found guilty in 2019 of 21 counts of rape, assault and indecent touching of a person against six teenagers and the boy.

He was sentenced to 22 years in prison with a probation period of 13 years.

Valentine was charged with the offences in 2016 while living at a seaside property in Redcliffe, Queensland, the Daily Telegraph reported.

From 1971 to 1973 he was Deputy Superintendent of Parramatta Girls Training School.

Evil sex offender Frank Valentine, who used his position at Parramatta Girls Training School to sexually abuse children, dies in custody

Frank Valentine, 82, (pictured) died at Westmead Hospital in western Sydney at around 4pm on Thursday after being transferred to end-of-life care

Valentine used his position as head of the child protection agency to abuse several victims.

Two of his abuse victims were pregnant at the time of their admission to the facility following a juvenile court ruling.

One victim was raped in an underground “dungeon” of the institution.

The school housed convicted juvenile offenders, but many of the students were wards of the state who were sent to the school because they came from broken homes or because their parents had died.

From 1840 until its closure in 1974, 30,000 girls attended the school.

He was Deputy Head of the Parramatta Girls Training School (pictured) between 1971 and 1973.

He was Deputy Head of the Parramatta Girls Training School (pictured) between 1971 and 1973.

Following a ruling by the Court of Appeal, Valentine was able to reduce his sentence to 20 years in prison with 13 years of probation.

Before his death, he spent five years in custody at the Metropolitan Reception and Remand Centre in Silverwater and at Long Bay Prison.