
Enough is enough: Democrats expect you to accept migrant crime | Tomi Lahren

It’s a headline that’s become far too common, a migrant allegedly rapes a teen girl, gets out of jail on $500 dollar bond, local law enforcement ignores ICE detainer request and ICE then has to spend time, money and use resources to track him down on their own. 

Just another day in Kamala Harris's America.

Thank God immigration authorities were able to catch and arrest Cory Alvarez.

But why the hell was he out of prison in the first place?

Massachusetts is governed by “compassionate” Democrats, that’s why.

Alvarez is a Haitian migrant – imagine this – who was flown in under the parole program vaunted by Biden/Harris.

He is also accused of raping a 15-year-old girl in the migrant hotel where he lived.

I'm glad our tax dollars are funding rape safe spaces. It's wonderful.

His lawyer – whom we are probably also paying – says he is innocent.

His lawyer says the 15-year-old suffered no injuries and came out of the hotel room safe and sound.

Um, excuse me, why was a 15-year-old girl in a hotel room with a 26-year-old Haitian migrant?

Should we find this appropriate?

In any case, he was released on $500 bail with an agreement that he serve house arrest and surrender his passport, which he apparently did.

However, the question remains, why would a non-citizen accused of aggravated rape of a child be released on bail of a few hundred dollars?

Why do we give the benefit of the doubt to migrants accused of child rape?

This is a completely unnecessary game of Russian roulette and the Biden/Harris administration expects you to accept it as normal.

That's not it.

But I'll tell you what has become FAR too normal: migrant crime.

When something like this happens, Americans of both parties should be outraged.

Or something like that…

Or this…

But no. We are expected to just shrug our shoulders, say “too bad” and move on to the next headline.

We don't have to live like this, you know?

Our parks, hotels and communities don't have to be dumping grounds for the rest of the world. We don't owe that to the world. Not at all.

But we are EXPECTED to tolerate it.

Well, at least under Kamala Harris.

And I'll tell you what. It's only going to get worse. Winter is coming. We have millions of illegals in this country who need to go somewhere, and if they don't have somewhere to go, or if it doesn't meet their needs, they're going to despair and this self-inflicted chaos is going to get a lot worse.

But Democrats want you to take it easy and get over it, because closing the border and mass deportations are MEAN!

Right. Okay.

These are my final thoughts.