
Defendant in attempted murder rejects offer of 25-year prison sentence

Baltimore Courthouse

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An attempted murder defendant rejected a guilty plea offer during a hearing before Baltimore City District Court Judge Barry G. Williams on August 13.

Jonte Gilmore, 27, faces more than 60 charges, including two counts of attempted first- and second-degree murder, two counts of conspiracy to commit first-degree murder, two counts of first-degree assault and conspiracy to commit first-degree assault, and two counts of reckless endangerment. In addition, Gilmore is charged with six counts of robbery and auto theft, as well as 43 counts of firearm possession, all stemming from an incident on October 17, 2023.

Gilmore's trial was postponed due to a scheduling conflict because his attorney, James III Sweeting, was involved in another ongoing case.

Gilmore rejected the offer of a sentence of 25 years for attempted premeditated murder, concurrently 20 years for conspiracy to commit premeditated murder, with no possibility of parole for the first five years, and concurrently 15 years for use of a firearm in a serious crime, with no possibility of parole for the first five years.
In the first courtroom, Judge Melissa M. Phinn postponed the trial until October 15.

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