
A congresswoman is being attacked online for impressively showing off pro-Trump swimwear

Michael Brochstein. Shutterstock images.

I'd like to reintroduce you to Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna of Florida, who I last talked about in the run-up to the 2020 election. She was an outsider at the time, but she seemed to have caught the attention of the Republican frontrunner and the then-incumbent US President:

Whether it was because their political views coincided. For example, on issues of the 2nd Amendment:

… or because Trump viewed her constituency as a potential swing voter on critical issues is a value judgment that someone else has to make. All I knew at the time was that the president had been in touch with her personally quite a bit:

Of course, he lost in the end, while she became Representative Luna.

Make of that what you will. I am not here to defend one point of view over another. One ideology over another. Allow me to express my point of view by quoting a great thinker who in turn quotes another great thinker:

“-isms are not good in my opinion. A person should not believe in an -ism, he should believe in himself. I quote John Lennon: 'I don't believe in the Beatles, I only believe in myself.' Good point.” – Ferris Bueller

I'm here to talk about how Rep. Luna is being treated online as she runs for re-election. As the campaign heats up, her political opposition is attacking her in the most reprehensible ways. She is being vilified in ways that women have unfortunately faced since they first entered politics. I wish this kind of tasteless, offensive treatment would have been consigned to the dustbin of history by 2024. But sadly, I have to report that she is still alive and well.


There are attacks on women because they support Trump or his policies. That is the core of our democratic system. I am talking about this. And that is simply slut-shaming:

To me, this is abhorrent treatment. Misogyny at its worst. In a government rife with corruption, whose officials are both elected and unelected, Republicans, Democrats and Independents alike, gorging themselves at the public trough while the needs of us, the people, go unheeded, a woman is attacked because she is super attractive? This is nothing short of appalling and obscene.

I hate her policies. I hate her voting record. I hate her support for her candidate. I hate the bathing suit and the campaign slogan that's on it. But there's no place in a civilized society to hate the way she looks in it. No matter which side of the political divide you're on.

That is why I am happy to report that Rep. Luna is part of the new generation of strong, independent female legislators who will not tolerate fools or be silenced:


Good for them. Regardless of politics, this response is a good example to America's young women and future leaders that they do NOT have to bend to the will of the mob. That they can be their authentic selves. That they can stand strong in the face of criticism from those who resent them for being able to wear a bathing suit to the limit. And I'm proud to stand with her legions of supporters, regardless of their views on other issues:


So keep fighting the good fight, Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna. Make swimsuit modeling great again.