
Former RPD officer who raped Ontario County teenager must spend weekends in jail: Public outrage prompts prosecutors to react

Former Rochester police officer Shawn Jordan will spend just 10 weekends in jail after pleading guilty to raping a 13-year-old girl in 2022. That verdict sparked widespread outrage in the community. Jordan, who admitted to the crime as part of a plea deal, will also serve 10 years probation.

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Assistant District Attorney Kelly Wolford expressed understanding for the public's anger and explained that the deal was made to protect the victim from the trauma of testifying. “My victim, a child, is heartbroken and hurt,” Wolford told News10NBC. “This was the best thing we could do to protect her.”

Jordan's case only came to light after another charge was filed in Monroe County, which led to an investigation in Ontario County. Despite public backlash, District Attorney Jim Ritts defended the decision, stressing that the victim's welfare must be the top priority.