
Antonia Prebble's two baby problems at Double Parked

Most actors know the old Hollywood saying: “Never work with children or animals,” but for New Zealand star Antonia Prebble – her last role featured not one but two newborns – it was a heartwarming experience to be on set with these two bundles of joy.

“I've worked with a lot of babies throughout my career, and it's not always easy,” says Antonia, mother of five-year-old Freddie and two-year-old Gus. “It can be tough because babies can only be on set for a short time – and for good reason. If they're not in the mood, there's not much you can do about it!

“So I knew that this shoot, where we had multiple babies, could be quite challenging. But it actually ended up being so much fun! The babies were just adorable and so soft and sweet. It brought back memories of when my own boys were really little.”

Antonia, who lives in Auckland with her husband, writer and actor Dan Musgrove, and their sons, talks about the second season of the New Zealand comedy series “The New Zealand Comedy”. Double parked. While the first season followed the fertility journey of Antonia's character Steph and her partner Nat, played by Madeleine Sami, the second season sees the same-sex couple face the ups and downs of motherhood.

And Antonia, 40, knows how intense these first weeks and months can be. The actress, who celebrated her stunning wedding in Waiheke with Women's Day in March, says it was wonderful to be able to draw on her own experiences with Freddie and Gus.

She lies in bed with her husband and children and laughs
Antonia and Dan with the boys Gus (left) and Freddie.

“Becoming a mother for the first time is epic,” she says. “It's wonderful, but also incredibly intense. It's a mixture of utter shock and awe, but also an immense, passionate love that you feel for your baby. It's like nothing else.”

Two babies mean twice the fun, says Antonia. She loved sharing the experience with her co-star Madeleine, who also happens to be one of her best friends. The two met on the set of Incredible luckand have been best friends ever since. In their twenties they even traveled to Paris together to attend clown school.

“We had so many great experiences together,” Antonia remembers. “I always laugh when I'm with her because she's so funny.”

For Antonia, who got her first acting job at the age of 12, taking on a comedy role was a step out of her comfort zone. But working alongside comedy legends such as Madeleine, Chris Parker (who Double parked) and former Shortland Street Star Kura Forrester meant she had lots of people to lean on and learn from. She also expanded the team and suggested doing an episode about breastfeeding.

“Breastfeeding is such a big deal for new mothers. However, I've never seen it properly portrayed on a TV show before,” says Antonia. She admits she struggled with it in the first few weeks after Freddie was born in 2019. “I wasn't prepared for how painful it would be. I was also worried about whether I would be able to get the sucking right. And then add to that the lack of sleep… It can be quite overwhelming.”

Antonia at the promo shoot for “Double Parked” with her co-stars
To Double parked with Kura, Madeleine and Dominic Ona-Ariki.

Antonia is working on several new acting projects as well as voiceover jobs, MC and Master of Ceremonies jobs. She is excited to be working on another series of her successful podcast, What is most importantwith co-host and friend Jacqui Maguire. Antonia loves the variety in her work life as well as the flexibility it allows her to be there for her boys. She admits that while she has always been a 'yes man', she has become better at choosing roles that work well for her, Dan and the kids.

“Since having children, my priorities in life and work have changed a lot. Being there for Freddie and Gus is a very fundamental value for me. However, there are times when there is a lot going on and I feel overwhelmed. At the moment, however, the balance is pretty good.”

Even though some days seem long as a mother of two lively little boys, she is well aware of what a special feeling it is to raise them both.

“Part of me feels like I'll look back on this time and think that it was probably the happiest years of my life,” she enthuses. “And although I love my work and it will always be important to me, the home part of my life is absolutely the most important thing.”

“It's so special and truly meaningful. I know these years will go by so quickly. Even though some days it feels like it'll never be bedtime!”

“Double Parked” is shown on Thursdays at 8pm on Three and ThreeNow.