
Investigation into the death of Matthew Perry: “Ketamine Queen” and cover-ups

Investigators present important findings on the death of Matthew Perry

As Friends actor Matthew Perry found dead in a hot tub at his Los Angeles home last year, it seemed like it could have just been an accident.

He had been treated for his depression with ketamine infusion therapy, no drug paraphernalia or anything else suggestive of a crime was found, and he appeared to have drowned.

He had spent decades battling addiction, but the actor said he was finally clean.

As the world mourned the death of the actor, known for his role as Chandler Bing in the series Friends, a coroner discovered something strange: he had high levels of ketamine in his blood, within the range used for general anesthesia during surgery.

It should no longer be present in his body since his last therapy appointment more than a week ago.

According to the U.S. Attorney's Office, the subsequent nearly year-long investigation uncovered a suspected massive illegal ketamine trafficking network, cover-ups and another death.

It led to five arrests – including doctors, Perry's assistant and a suspected dealer who was known locally as the “Ketamine Queen”.

His live-in assistant, Kenneth Iwamasa, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to fatally distribute ketamine, and two others – Eric Fleming and Dr. Mark Chavez – also pleaded guilty to conspiracy to illegally distribute drugs.

Dr. Salvador Plasencia, who is accused of supplying Perry with ketamine, is charged with falsification of records. Jasveen Sangha, an alleged dealer, is charged with nine counts, including conspiracy to distribute ketamine and distribution of ketamine resulting in death.

Both pleaded not guilty in court on Thursday.

“The Ketamine Queen” and a “Drug Trafficking Center”

Evidence in a US District Court in plastic bags on a light wooden floorUS District Court

A photo from the indictment shows alleged evidence discovered in what authorities called the “Sangha Hideout.”

Ms. Sangha’s name keeps cropping up throughout the investigation.

Authorities allege the “Ketamine Queen” supplied the drugs that led to Perry’s death on October 28, 2023.

The 41-year-old is accused of selling him 50 vials of ketamine worth around $11,000 (£8,550). Prosecutors described her as a drug dealer who knew the ketamine she distributed could be fatal.

Her North Hollywood home was a “drug trafficking center,” said Martin Estrada, U.S. Attorney for the Central District of California, during a press conference.

During a search, more than 80 vials of ketamine and thousands of pills containing methamphetamine, cocaine and Xanax were allegedly found.

A handgun was also discovered, Mr Estrada said.

In the house, which is referred to in the indictment as the “Sangha Stash House,” she is alleged to have packaged and distributed drugs, mainly for the rich and famous.

Mrs Sangha “just deal[s] with high end and celebrities,” the indictment states.

Before the press conference ended, Mr. Estrada was asked how big Ms. Sangha's network was.

He claimed that she was “an important supplier of ketamine to others, including Perry.”

Doctors and dealers exploited Perry

“How much will this idiot pay?” wrote a doctor responsible for Perry’s death

As Perry sank deeper into addiction, he wanted more and more ketamine and sought it at lower prices, leading him to both street dealers and more exclusive suppliers, authorities said.

The defendants in this case took advantage of him, Estrada said.

“I wonder how much this idiot is going to pay?” Dr. Plasencia wrote in a text message, according to authorities.

In another letter, he said he wanted to be Perry's “go-to guy for drugs.”

Perry allegedly paid them around $2,000 for vials that actually cost about $12 each.

“These defendants were more concerned with profiting from Mr. Perry than with his well-being,” Mr. Estrada said.

According to authorities, between September and October 2023, Perry purchased 20 vials of ketamine from Dr. Plasencia with a total value of $55,000.

According to investigators, Dr. Plasencia also allegedly taught assistant Iwamasa how to inject the drug, even though he had learned “that Perry's ketamine addiction was spiraling out of control.”

Authorities said the doctor continued to give Perry ketamine despite witnessing Perry “freeze” at one point while the drug was being administered.

Attempts to cover up – and discovery of the second death

After Perry's death, the defendants who supplied him with the drugs tried to cover up their actions, investigators said.

According to authorities, Ms. Sangha sent a message to another suspect demanding that he “delete all our messages.”

Fleming is said to have sent Ms Sangha a message: “Please call … I have more information and would like to exchange ideas with you. I am 90% sure everyone is protected. I never had any dealings with (Perry), only his assistant. So the assistant was the enabler.”

According to court documents, he also asked Ms. Sangha whether ketamine “stays in your body or is immediately flushed out.”

Authorities said they used coded language, referring to ketamine as “Dr Pepper,” “bots” or “doses.”

Dr. Plasencia is said to have falsified medical records to make it appear that the medications administered to the actor were genuine.

Authorities also revealed that Ms. Sangha is allegedly linked to another overdose death in 2019.

According to court documents, she was aware of the dangers of ketamine because she had sold it to a customer named Cody McLaury, who died of an overdose after purchasing the drug.

A family member reportedly sent her a text message saying: “The ketamine you sold my brother killed him. It is listed as the cause of death.”

A few days later, investigators said, Ms. Sangha searched on Google: “Can ketamine be listed as a cause of death?”

Authorities said charges would be brought against Ms. Sangha in the case.

Assistant administered several injections to the actor daily

Perry's live-in assistant Iwamasa was the person who found the actor dead.

According to investigators, he was also the one who injected Perry with the ketamine that led to his death.

According to court documents, Iwamasa had never received any medical training and knew “little to nothing” about administering controlled substances.

According to prosecutors, Iwamasa administered more than 20 ketamine injections to the actor in the four days before and during Perry's death, including three on the day he died.

In July, he was charged with conspiracy to distribute ketamine, causing death and serious bodily harm. Prosecutors said he has since pleaded guilty to the charge.

Ketamine should only be administered by a doctor, the researchers said, and patients who have taken the drug must be medically monitored because of its potential harmful effects.

On October 10, a few weeks before Perry's death, Dr. Plasencia allegedly purchased ten vials of ketamine from accused co-conspirator Dr. Mark Chavez to sell to Perry.

According to authorities, Dr. Plasencia then met with Perry and Iwamasa in a public parking lot, where the doctor administered the injection to the actor in his car.

Two days later, he allegedly injected him with a large dose at home, which “froze” him and caused his blood pressure to skyrocket.

Dr. Plasencia said to Iwamasa, “We won’t do that again.”

However, he allegedly left more bottles with Iwamasa.

Perry's legacy with the hope of helping others

Reuters The "Friends" The actors were photographed together in 2002. Reuters

The “Friends” cast photographed together in 2002.

Perry was open about his addictions. In his 2022 memoir, he described decades of struggles with alcohol and drugs. He wrote about his co-star Jennifer Anniston confronting him about the smell of alcohol on his breath and the millions he spent trying to stay sober.

He said he hoped his openness would help others in need. On the website of the Matthew Perry Foundation, which was founded after his death, his quote can be found: “When I die, I want helping others to be the first thing mentioned.”

U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration Director Anne Milgram said Thursday that the arrests and release of details of this high-profile case would likely help others and prevent deaths – just as Perry wanted.

Actor Matthew Perry discusses addiction on BBC Newsnight