
A commitment to defense and freedom

SARASOTA, Florida., 15 August 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Global Ordnance, a leading U.S. defense contractor, together with its subsidiary Global Military Products, reaffirms its unwavering support for the Ukrainian Armed Forces through our direct contracts with Ukraine and our supply contracts with the U.S. Army and other allied nations.

Recently, there have been many blogs and articles containing significant misinformation about Global Ordnance/Global Military Products and our performance on contracts supporting UkraineThe actual facts paint a completely different picture: since December 2021Global Ordnance delivered 57,290 tons of military goods to Ukraine both through direct treaties and through our treaties with the United States and other allied nations.

Examples of ammunition and other military products delivered to date include:

  • 824,630 units of large-caliber ammunition, artillery shells and rockets
  • 141,672 units of various anti-tank weapons, rocket launchers, mines and hand grenades
  • 77 artillery weapon systems
  • 198 armoured personnel carriers
  • 3,481 small and medium caliber weapons and 27,565,517 rounds of small and medium caliber ammunition
  • 130 anti-aircraft guns, MANPADS with missiles and unguided aircraft rockets

In 2023 Global Ordnance donated man-portable air defense systems (MANPADS) worth over 2.3 million US dollarsThis contribution significantly strengthened Ukraine Defence capabilities, support in the defence of Kyiv from aggression against the civilian population.

During the mandatory evacuation of the US Embassy in Ukraine in 2022, and despite the US government's call for all Americans to leave the country UkraineGlobal Ornance employees remained in the Ukraine to coordinate the continuous supply of weapons and ammunition to the Ukrainian armed forces.

Since June 2022Global Ordnance is facing a large-scale campaign against its operations, including daily attacks on its IT network and attempts to intimidate and discredit the company and its employees through press articles and blogs. These actions constitute psychological operations (PSYOPS), attempts by Russia to disrupt Global Ordnance's critical supply and logistical elements that Ukraine Defense Forces. We stand firm and fight shoulder to shoulder with the Ukrainian Armed Forces to deliver urgently needed defense supplies to Ukraine.

Despite all the challenges, Global Ordnance remains true and steadfast in its mission and continues to supply the necessary ammunition, weapons and other military goods to support the defense of UkraineThe company is committed to supporting the fight for freedom and resists all attempts to undermine its business. Global Ordnance will continue to support the freedom-loving people of Ukraine with the crucial ammunition and military equipment needed to support their valiant efforts for peace and freedom. Best Ukrainian voice!

Global Ordnance Public Relations
[email protected]

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