
Californian convicted of drug trafficking in Aliquippa area


ALIQUIPPA – An Oxford, California resident has been sentenced to five years in prison after being involved in a drug trafficking scheme in Beaver County in 2022.

Federal judges said 24-year-old Christopher Andrew Salgado was sentenced Friday after being found guilty of trafficking over 500 grams of cocaine. As part of that charge, Salgado sent packages containing cocaine to an Aliquippa residence, the affidavit said.

Investigators said that between March and September 2022, police began investigating a drug trafficking ring in Western Pennsylvania. They discovered that drugs were being sent to an address in Aliquippa, and when they intercepted one of those packages, they found that it contained two kilograms of cocaine. After that, the packages went to Salgado in West Virginia.

Security camera footage showed that Salgado would take the packages to Pittsburgh International Airport, where he would pick up his co-defendant, Jose Sanchez, who had flown in from California. Salgado would drive Sanchez and the packages to Aliquippa, where they met Romaro Foster Sr., another co-defendant in the case.

After delivering to Foster, Salgado took Romaro back to the airport and disposed of the materials. Police found a box that Slagado had disposed of on one of these occasions in the trash can of a fast-food restaurant. They reported finding the shipping label for Salgado's West Virginia home and packaging materials for the drugs. An examination of the box also found cocaine.

In August 2022, police intercepted another package destined for Salgado's residence in West Virginia, also containing two kilograms of cocaine. After obtaining a search warrant, Salgado's home was searched, and additional cocaine was found in his home.