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Oliver Reeh in ChessBase Magazine

Did you like these lessons? There are many more lessons by Oliver Reeh in the ChessBase Magazine. There you will also find articles and surveys on openings, tactics and of course comments from the world's best grandmasters.

ChessBase Magazine #216

OOrder now in ChessBaseShop – Single issue 21,90 €!

ChessBase Magazine trial subscription with 33% savings and thank you bonus!*

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Read the ChessBase Magazine for 6 months (= 3 issues) for the Special price of only 44,90 € (instead of €65.70 for individual purchase). As a thank you, you will also receive 3 months of ChessBase Premium membership for free.

*Bonus only for new subscribers, i.e. there was no CBM subscription for 12 months!

ChessBase Magazine annual subscription – plus original ChessBase USB stick with 128 GB *

Save twice with the ChessBase Magazine: For the Annual subscription to ChessBase Magazine you will pay only 109,90 € per year (compared to €131.40 for the 6 individual issues).

* Bonus only for new subscribers, i.e. there was no CBM subscription for 12 months! As a new subscriber you will receive the original ChessBase USB stick with 128 GB