
Letter | Benefits of the Inflation Control Act unannounced | Letters to the editor

Dear Editor, I just heard Donald Trump ranting in New Jersey about his commitment to reducing the price of insulin to $35.

His blatant lies, which have not been fact-checked by Fox or the right-wing media, may lead citizens to believe he had something to do with these drug price cuts for Medicare recipients. It was the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), signed into law by President Biden and supported by not a single Republican Senator, that led to the insulin price cut.

The pharmaceutical industry had three lobbyists with every senator in the Capitol trying to fight this bill, but the Democrats passed it. You have to understand that the Republicans are not doing anything to save us money.

This, together with the announcement of significant discounts on ten other medicines and the capping of drug prices at $2,000 from January next year, means huge savings and lower inflation that we can all benefit from.

Could this document list all the Inflation Reduction Act programs that we benefit from? It seems to be the biggest secret not in the news today. I remember a picture of Republican Representative Lauren Boebert of Colorado, who did not vote for the IRA, boasting about using these funds to build a major construction project in her district.

A newspaper like this could educate uninformed citizens. It could also potentially sell more newspapers.

Linda Bernhardt


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