
Relatives want justice for the murder of Emily Bradley

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WSMV) – Since Emily Bradley disappeared in February, her family has been waiting for answers.

The announcement by Metro Nashville Police on Friday that Bradley's ex-boyfriend Miles Williams has been charged in connection with her death gives police some sense of justice.

“It’s been a long, long wait for us,” said Judy Rose.

Rose, Emily's godmother, says Emily had a big heart and her heart was always open to others.

“Emily’s goal was to make the world a better place, one soul at a time,” Rose said.

She hoped the arrest would give her a sense of closure.

“It felt more like a Band-Aid was being ripped off a wound,” Rose said. “It made it hurt even more.”

Family members said they first noticed something was wrong when Emily left her service dog home alone, something she never did.

Two weeks after she was reported missing, she was found dead in a creek off Buena Vista Pike.

“No human being should do this to another human being,” Rose said. “She doesn't deserve this.”

Since her death, loved ones have found ways to continue her legacy. Her company, Last Minute Productions, continues to operate, with her memory always at the forefront.

Rose says people should use location-sharing apps in case the same thing happens to someone else. They believe if someone had shared Emily's location with someone else, she might have been found.

Rose says they are committed to being present throughout the legal process and making sure the person who did this to their loved one is held accountable.

“I hope they are prepared for the large crowds that will be there,” Rose said. “We will stand up for their justice. We miss them. We miss them every day.”

For more information about Bradley's case and legacy, visit this website created in her memory.