
Gun violence activists provide update on shooting numbers in Lexington

LEXINGTON, Kentucky (WKYT) – From property damage to fatalities, Lexington has faced several shootings in recent weeks.

“Historically, and not just in Lexington but in cities across the country, you always see an increase in the summer months,” said Devine Carama, director of the anti-gun violence organization ONE Lexington.

Carama says the city typically sees a spike in shootings in May or June, but for the past two years it has been the months of August and September.

“When we step back and look at this from a bigger perspective, we don't want to panic. The work we've done over the last two years has paid off. Even with this recent increase, gun violence in Lexington is still declining,” he said. “Nearly 60 percent less than two years ago, that means we're doing something right as a city, as a community.”

Carama says we should all remain vigilant, even if gun violence does not pose a major threat to the public.

“I don't think there are people trying to hurt a lot of people. I think a lot of these conflicts are interpersonal conflicts that involve weapons. As long as people manage their conflicts with other people, stay in safe places and pay attention to their surroundings, I think they'll be fine,” he said.

He adds that two years ago, a large number of stolen firearms were reported in Lexington.

He believes there is a direct correlation between these numbers and the number of murders in the city; both numbers have since declined.