
A perfidious bastard explains how to cause misfortune

This document is just a guide. Be as perfidious as you want. What will they do about it?

Case study: People with disabilities

The activities described in this document should form the core activities of a longer attack, but be creative.

It is advisable to implement the measures described here together. Always hit the wankers from all sides.

Make sure you agree on a policy platform, department resources, and staffing capacity before embarking on this mission. It will save time in the long run and ensure you can focus on getting as many of these motherfuckers as possible.

Consent is a crucial factor that needs to be done right from the start.

Make sure you use all the political, economic and cultural power at your disposal.

Develop a narrative that meets a political objective, for example when you need to normalise huge spending cuts. Show these wankers that they are lazy pigs and costing the country too much. People can't stand to see money spent on people they think are lazy pigs.

Make sure the main political parties are on board. It's simple. The harder you bully the poorest, the more votes you get. Nobody likes to think they're at the bottom of the social ladder, so they'll always vote for you because they think it'll never happen to them. Fools.

Get the media involved. They love an easily identifiable villain. Feed them crap and make sure it's pervasive and sustained. Form a Nudge Unit in the corridors of government tasked with creating a new framework in which we talk about disabled people. Terms like 'work-shy' are proven winners. This gets the locals mad. Once they're on your side, you can start implementing your plan. Make sure you keep feeding the media plenty of soundbites and 'exclusives'. This makes them feel important.

It's really useful if you can get a few collaborators on your side. Get a few of the 'big shots' – organisations that are generally seen as allies of the disabled community but are in reality patronising and making disabled people dependent on services rather than empowering them. Use our old confidants. Throw a few million pounds in their faces, get them in a few meetings and of course throw in an MBE for leadership here and there. They love MBEs.

Disability rights

Let's talk about how we want to move forward.

Write meaningless crap that can't be enforced. And even if it could be enforced, it wouldn't make a difference. Mix it in with other blather about “equality.”

Ignore international legal obligations to the point of being the first government in the world to commit “gross and systematic violations of the human rights of disabled people.” Then just point out that it was “foreigners” who complained about our actions and that's it. We hate foreigners unless we rob or kill them. But that's another policy. Stay focused.

If you really want to piss the cripples off, write obviously crappy laws, like here are some abortion rights, except for the future “severely disabled.” If you feel you're potentially facing such laws, kill as many as you can, over and above the rules for everyone else. In fact, all the way to the delivery room. To add even more value, put them directly against the woman's right to self-determination; that will wear them down and distract people from what the law is actually about.

Now they may want to challenge their rights (or lack thereof) in court. Be prepared. Withdraw their legal aid.

You could go to bodies that oversee human rights, such as the Equality and Human Rights Commission, take them over and fire all the idiots who work there. That way you can make sure that everything they have to say is boring, irrelevant and rubbish.

If they organize their own voice and take to the streets as a last resort – we're not going to let that happen, boys. Stuff them with the toughest anti-protest laws we've ever seen. Destroy their wheelchairs. Put them in a hospital. Arrest their caregivers. Take away their benefits. Their cars. Threaten to take away their children if necessary. Whatever it takes to get them off the streets and off the front lines.

And build fully accessible prisons for these bastards if they get too bold and these measures alone don't work.


You might think that if we build barrier-free prisons for them, we would also build barrier-free housing. You would be wrong.

One percent. That's what you give them if you want to wage war in plain sight. Make sure that in a country where around one in six people is disabled, 99% of the housing stock is not accessible. Develop future housing plans where you don't even mention it. Privatise the housing market and give private landlords no responsibility (we're not turkeys voting for Christmas here, guys).

Put access to tools and adjustments that could make a difference out of their reach. They hate it. Plus, they'll be too busy dragging their butts around their inaccessible “homes” (giggle) to do anything about it.


Separate, separate, separate.

Keep these kids away from your children. Pretend segregation doesn't exist, but if you look beneath the surface, you'll find that in 2024, more disabled children than ever before will be “raised” in segregated institutions.

Then you pretend that you have systems in place to support disabled children during their education, but in practice more than 95% of children who are entitled to this support receive nothing.
Call this inclusive with a serious face.




Ahhh, the jewel in the crown.

Build a system so punitive, degrading and dehumanizing that the mere act of dropping letters into the mail slot will drive people to suicide.

Make lots of hoops for them to jump through. Set the hoops on fire. Make sticks to hit them through those hoops. Set the sticks on fire. Blame them for the burns. Then make them believe there were never any fires. Convince them (and everyone else) that they are the ones telling lies.

If some asshole somehow survives all of this, give him a pittance at the end. Make him feel like you're doing him a favor. Then fine him and punish him for every stupid thing you can. Like death.

To get the full effect, give everyone a stick and have them beat the cripples on welfare with it until they are cripples themselves. Then take the stick away from them and take away their welfare because they have a stick. Cunts.

Social care

You'll like this. Social care is the biggest cost to every single local authority in the whole of Britain. And even though half the people who receive it are disabled, you don't even mention them. Write them out of their own history entirely. Why acknowledge that they exist here when we try so hard not to everywhere else?

Make it a postcode lottery. If it's heads, we win; if it's tails, they lose.

Make sure that fewer than four out of ten receive any support at all. And that fewer than four out of ten receive the support they actually need.

Cutting council funding so that after ten years the council only receives three pounds instead of the initial ten pounds.

You don't get a 'shit or sandwich' care service by funding something sensible that supports people to live real lives. Tell the public that two visits a day for a shit or a sandwich (never both) is the best we can do.

Don't worry about a 4% increase in demand compared to the same period last year. Remember the “lazy, lazy bastards” mantra and let the media do the heavy lifting.

And here lies the crux of the matter: we outsource the real profit makers to “houses” run by corporations.

Stack them high and deep. Stockpile them if possible and make sure our friends in the private healthcare industry benefit from them. Otherwise, what is the point of having disabled people in the first place?

We could go on. Forever.

Build a transit system where only half the stations are accessible. Where about half the trains are accessible. But bury that information so deep you'd need a degree in website studies to find it. (And let's be honest, after 15 years of our segregated education system, hopefully these motherfuckers shouldn't even be able to read.)

Poison for work: Inaccessible jobs, lower wages and cutting Access to Work to the bone. (Make sure you call them work-shy all the time, otherwise people might think there are real routes to employment if we withhold benefits.)

And if they survive all that, you can be sure that more than half of the employers won't want them anyway.

But look, you've gotten the message by now. Show them, nobody cares. There's a good chance they'll just disappear.

And if they don't, well – the next prime minister-to-be loves eugenics. It's called assisted suicide. He's bloody mad about it. And it's coming. So, one way or another, we're going to get them.

~ Andy Greene, DPAC

This article first appeared in the Summer 2024 issue of Freedom Journal.

Image: DPAC protest in Norfolk, by Roger Blackwell