
Farage has the magic, the Tories are tragic – if the right merges, Labour is finished

When you're under attack from both Labour and the Conservatives (and from oddball lefties like James O'Brien before he retreats to his gated community), you know you must be doing something right. That's the position Nigel Farage finds himself in most days.

And it says something about him that he is responsible for so much fear, considering he leads a party with only four other MPs. Rival politicians rightly fear that Farage's electoral success (4 million voted for him, and it was FOR him) will only increase.

When he said the public were “not being told the truth about Southport”, he struck a chord with ordinary people. That is something that neither Starmer nor the One Nation wing of the Conservative Party can achieve.

Tom Tugendhat represents the rest of those Tories and believed he would have a better chance of publicising his candidacy for the party leadership by attacking Farage with a “truth statement” than by setting out his political stance, which would, frankly, bring tears to one's eyes.

Farage is right about Southport. Many people know quite a lot about the background to the murders, but the authorities don't want this information to be made public. Why not?

The Prime Minister said everyone should be careful with comments on social media as they could be seen as biased and could potentially lead to the accused being acquitted.

This is ridiculous. If there is any contempt, it is the way the nation is kept in the dark about the murder of these three little girls.

The prosecution has postponed the trial at Liverpool Crown Court until January 20 next year. Why? From the outside it seems pretty straightforward. After all, the defendant was found at the crime scene with a knife. Obviously motive will play a role and I assume that is what Farage was alluding to.

There is clearly a two-tiered approach to the speed of justice. The prosecutors dealing with the Southport offence are the same ones who, after the riots, arrested, charged and convicted people within 48 hours of the offence, so why wait nearly six months for the accused to come to trial in Southport?

Are you hoping that the public's anger over the murders will fade? I can assure you that will not happen.

I know there are important issues that need to be addressed. My advice is to trust the people. Either you move the process forward or the “authorities” should make a statement.

Right now, the election of the next Tory leader is the most boring ever. It doesn't matter who it is because Farage, who is leading the charge on reform, has captured 25% of the natural Conservative base.

The Tories cannot win the next election (and they know it) unless they do a deal with Farage. If that happens, they will be crushing Labour. If that doesn't happen, they will be wandering around in the wilderness for a lot longer than 40 days.

It's probably more like 40 years.

Farage has the magic. The Tories have the tragedy. They need his insight into the feelings of ordinary people. Without it, they are lost.

The Tory leadership should stop saying they will not do a deal. It makes them look stupid. I'm betting Jenrick will win, and I suspect he's more inclined to do such a deal with Farage than Tugendhat or Stride.

If that's the case, Jenrick is my man. And should be yours too.