
Support Becky's fight against breast cancer

Becky's fight for her life began nearly three years ago when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. The news was devastating for her and her two sons, but despite the pain they continued to comfort each other and strengthen their close family bond. Together they refused to accept defeat.

After surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, they continued to pick up the pieces, causing both financial and mental health problems. Becky's life was a journey of love and loss, yet she retained the ability to persevere despite enormous challenges.

When she was an 8-month-old baby, her mother gave her to another woman to raise. “This is the woman I call 'Mommy,'” Becky said. “I was traumatized when she died when I was a teenager. I was alone until Mrs. Alemandro and Irene Pavloff allowed me to live at La Jolla Camp so I wouldn't be alone.”

Becky worked hard as a cleaner, cook and babysitter to make a living during her youth. Becky's cheerful personality and happy disposition quickly won the hearts of many people around her, including the Pavloff family, with whom she remains close friends to this day.

Becky married at 21 and stayed with her husband in Punta Banda at the La Jolla Beach Camp for seven years until he died suddenly. When she suffered another tragedy and had no children, she was left alone and had to start over. Her friends and supporters stood by her and she was able to move into a smaller house at the La Jolla Camp.

In 1999, she became manager of Lomas del Mar, a community of mostly retirees seeking a unique environment with tranquility, affordable housing and great views of Ensenada Bay. Becky thrived in this environment and her kind and generous nature, as well as her knowledge of the community and Mexican culture, helped her new guests settle into their new country. Her stories of Punta Banda's history remind one that hard work and love of community are the foundation of building a home.

Becky eventually had two sons, but never remarried. She raised her two boys alone and nurtured their spirit and dreams, making them hardworking and educated so they could achieve their goals. Today, her sons Ronnie, 22, and Aldo, 20, are her greatest joy and most valuable supporters as she once again struggles to maintain the life she worked so hard for.

Ronnie and Aldo described their feelings for their mother and her struggle to survive and thrive despite the challenges her cancer and treatments brought to their family. They wrote:

“Our mother has always taken care of us. Since the day we were born, she was always there for us when we needed her most. Although she went through a lot, she always looked at life with a smile and, despite her cancer or illness, she never stopped being the mother she always was.

“I remember many times when she put us before herself with food, clothing and goals. I want my mother to get well, not so she can smile again – she always smiled – I want her to get well so she has one less burden on her shoulders. Chemotherapy and radiation treatments are expensive and have affected her economic stability. Thank you in advance.” – Ronnie and Aldo

From her words, one can see the deep bond and love within the family that Becky has fostered. It is her gentle spirit, her kind heart and her ability to listen and solve problems that make the members of this community respect and love Becky.

Words and pictures can only give a small impression of how much she needs our help. That is why the community of Punta Banda and Lomas del Mar is reaching out beyond our small region to raise funds for Becky Echeverría, who continues to fight for the life she always dreamed of for herself and her sons. She has had a spirited journey full of kindness and love for others.

“When I met Becky in 2016, she was the property manager for a home we were interested in. Becky was my first friend in a new country and she met me with nothing but kindness and generosity,” said Amy S.

“A woman of unwavering faith who has faced storms that have shaken her but not defeated her; always strong in the fight, hardworking and with the initiative to take action and advance her children – two outstanding young people she has raised,” said Marisol V.

“Becky is a wonderful person. We have lived in Lomas del Mar for six years. When we ask her for help, she takes care of everything immediately. She cares about all of us and we wish her all the best,” commented Bill and Carol R.

There are many ways you can support Becky’s journey.

You can't participate? Here's how you can join:

● Provide auction items: wine, hotel stays, gifts
Certificates, tickets for events, etc. (most residents travel to SD monthly)
(Don't want to cross the border? Email: katherinereddick@yah)
● Donate to Becky: