
A Florida man who hit his son with a gun and then ran over a woman was reportedly laughing despite being road rage-ridden.

A Florida man out on bail for beating his own son with a pistol reportedly smiled and laughed as he ran over a young woman in a road rage incident outside Tampa last week — then drove away, leaving his mutilated victim on the side of the road as her hysterical family watched.

Jermeria Holycross, 23, was walking with her teenage brother and her boyfriend's two young children near the intersection of Highway 19 and East Bay Drive in Largo around 3 p.m. on Aug. 10 when suspected attacker Boris Twillman began to follow her, ABC Action News in Tampa reported.

Holycross stopped because she thought she had been hit from behind – and at that moment, police say, 57-year-old Twillman smiled at Holycross, accelerated and rammed her with his Jeep Wrangler, pinning her between the cars and dragging her along the driver's side of her Volkswagen Jetta.

Jermeria Holycross narrowly survived a mugging in an incident of driving aggression in Florida. gofundme

“When he hit the car, she got out because traffic had stopped and she wanted to look at the damage,” heartbroken mother Tammy Holycross told Fox 13 Tampa Bay.

“So when she looks, he looked at her, smiled and laughed and stepped on the gas and [accelerate] and ran her over in front of my son and her boyfriend's two children.”

“They were screaming and saying the little girl had just been killed,” she continued. “Her face hit the glass and when the children saw that, it started bleeding.”

Meanwhile, Twillman is said to have giggled like a madman while he crushed the young woman.

“She says, 'Mom, I keep replaying in my head how he looks at me and laughs and still runs me over,'” Tammy Fox said, adding that the children thought Holycross died instantly.

Boris Twillman was out on bail when he allegedly attempted to hit Holycross during the driving aggression incident. Pinellas County Jail

Twillman, a veteran, was free on bail after his arrest in April. He allegedly beat his son with a Glock pistol – causing the victim to suffer a nasal and eye socket fracture – and pushed his mother against a wall during an argument on March 19, the Tampa Bay Times reported.

Police say he fled after nearly killing Holycross, but he later called police and told them something had happened on the highway – but that he hadn't been involved.

Police arrested him for attempted first-degree murder and placed him in the Pinellas County Jail without bail.

Meanwhile, his alleged victim suffered a broken pelvis, broken ribs, a broken leg, cuts to the face and abrasions.

Holycross' mother described her as a loving joker who always tries to think positive. Facebook / Alexis Skye
Her family said she had to relearn how to walk after the attack. Facebook / Alexis Skye
Holycross had to undergo several surgeries to repair the damage following the alleged attack. gofundme

She later told her mother that Twillman had followed her for 15 minutes before the attack.

“She said, 'I always avoided him, he stayed behind me,'” Tammy said.

After several operations, Holycross has returned home and is now being cared for by her family, but she faces a long recovery.

She has to learn to walk again and is afraid that one day she will no longer be able to have children because of her broken pelvis.

Holycross also fears that she will not be able to have children because of her pelvic fracture, her family said. Facebook / Alexis Skye
Holycross (right) with her mother Tammy. Facebook / Alexis Skye

“All I care about is that she's here. If it takes three or five years to recover, I'll still be here for her,” Tammy said in an interview with Tampa Bay 10.

Tammy described her daughter as a loving joker who always sees the positive side of things.

“I think that's why it bothered us so much, because she's too sweet,” her mother said. “She's modest.”

“This can't be true, this can't be happening to our family,” added her aunt Misty Moore. “Jermeria is such a good girl. She's lively, bright and full of energy… This was a complete slaughter of a human being on the side of the road.”

Tammy said she has already forgiven her daughter's potential killer – but she still wants to hold him accountable for his cruel actions.

“My biggest concern is that I won't be able to bury her, you know?” Tammy said. “But I feel like justice has to be done.”