
Firefighters, prison guards and military personnel can work longer under new legislation – The Irish Times

Firefighters, prison guards and members of the armed forces will be able to work longer hours if they wish, under a law that comes into force on Monday.

The Government will soon introduce measures to raise the retirement age for Gardaí.

Minister for Public Expenditure Paschal Donohoe is set to formally bring into force provisions of the Courts, Civil, Criminal and Pensions (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2024 to allow an increase in the mandatory retirement age for firefighters, prison guards and members of the permanent armed forces to 62 for those who wish to exercise this right.

His department said provisions to facilitate a similar arrangement for the Gardaí “will follow shortly and in the meantime the existing arrangements for the retention of entitlements in An Garda Síochána will continue to apply to ensure that those who reach retirement age in the meantime can benefit from these changes as they come into force”.

The ministry said that Article 11 of the law implements amendments previously approved by the Cabinet to allow an increase in the mandatory retirement age for uniformed civil servants to 62. This is in the context of government policy that allows these groups to build up pensions faster than other civil servants. Within this framework, the conditions for rapid pension accumulation up to the age of 60 are being eased.

“If a person remains in employment beyond this age, their pension entitlement will revert to the standard basis from that point until they retire,” it said.

Mr Donohoe said: “The changes proposed by the respective line ministers and supported by my Department will enable members of the uniformed public service, who play such an important role in our communities, to stay in service for longer if they wish. In addition, it will help to retain valuable expertise.

“With people living longer and healthier lives, it is timely and appropriate to introduce these measures and give people the opportunity to work longer if they wish. I fully support this increase in the mandatory retirement age in our uniformed public service and look forward to seeing the difference it makes to people's lives.”