
Operation Early Dawn: Labour launches emergency measures to avoid prison overcrowding as more rioters face jail sentences

Ministers today activated Operation Early Dawn, launching emergency measures to avoid prison overcrowding as more rioters are convicted.

The long-standing plan was implemented in the north of England in the wake of recent widespread violent unrest in several British cities.

It makes it possible to hold defendants in police cells and only summon them to appear before the district court when a place in prison becomes available.

The Ministry of Justice said the plan had been implemented in the North East and Yorkshire, Cumbria and Lancashire, as well as Manchester, Merseyside and Cheshire.

Since the unrest broke out following the knife attack in Southport on July 29, more than 450 people have appeared before magistrates' courts in connection with the chaos.

Labour said it had taken the measure after inheriting a prison system “in crisis” from the previous Tory government.

Operation Early Dawn: Labour launches emergency measures to avoid prison overcrowding as more rioters face jail sentences

Ministers today activated Operation Early Dawn, launching emergency measures to avoid prison overcrowding as more rioters are convicted

Since the riots broke out following the knife attack in Southport on July 29, more than 450 people have appeared before magistrates' courts to quell the chaos.

Since the riots broke out following the knife attack in Southport on July 29, more than 450 people have appeared before magistrates' courts to quell the chaos.

Operation Early Dawn was launched by the Conservative government in May to combat prison overcrowding.

Since taking office, Labour has also reduced the proportion of prison sentences that prisoners must serve behind bars from 50 percent to 40 percent.

This temporary move – which does not apply to people convicted of sexual offences, terrorism, domestic violence or certain violent crimes – is expected to lead to the release of 5,500 offenders in September and October.

Prisons Minister Lord Timpson said: “We have inherited a justice system that is in crisis and facing shock.”

“As a result, we were forced to make difficult but necessary decisions to maintain operations.”

“However, thanks to the hard work of our dedicated staff and partners, we have been able to create additional places in prisons and are now launching Operation Early Dawn to address the pressures being felt in some parts of the country.”

Deputy Chief Constable Nev Kemp of the National Police Chiefs' Council said: “We are working closely with partners in the criminal justice system to manage the demand on the system and keep the public safe.”

“The police will continue to arrest anyone who needs to be arrested to protect public safety. This includes policing protests and events. They will make sure that people are arrested as expected.”