
Crime report: Week of August 11

From Sunday, August 11 to Saturday, August 17, 19 crimes were reported on or near the University of New Mexico campus, which included Daily Crime Log.

The crimes listed below were entered into the log during the week. The list includes crimes entered last week but allegedly occurred before that. It does not include crimes that may have occurred but were not entered into the log.

Break-in at the student union building

On July 30, a man broke into the SUB after hours, according to the log. He stole items from the SUB and damaged the building. The incident was resolved with his arrest. The crimes listed were “theft,” “property damage/graffiti,” and “commercial burglary,” which is defined as unauthorized entry into a commercial building with the intent to commit a crime, according to the log. Antonoplos & Associates.

The incident was reported to the police on Thursday, August 15.

Arrest near the Collaborative Teaching and Learning building

On Tuesday, Aug. 13, a male offender was arrested near the Collaborative Teaching and Learning Building after he was interfering in traffic and creating a danger to the public, the log states. He allegedly resisted arrest, and the offenses listed were “disorderly conduct” and “resisting, fleeing or obstructing a police officer.”

Another police log entry contains the same verbatim description of an incident at Mesa Vista Hall that allegedly occurred the day before. The offenses listed for the MVH incident were “possession of a controlled substance” and “trespassing.” The UNM Police Records Division was not immediately available after a call to the main division to determine whether the duplicate description was a typo.


There were three more cases of theft, defined as “unlawful taking of personal property,” according to Merriam Webster.

Two cases involved the theft of bicycle parts and one case involved the theft of a license plate.

Unauthorized possession of a motor vehicle

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There were two cases of vehicle thefts: one in the Lomas parking garage and another near Popejoy Hall.

Bodily harm to a healthcare worker

There were five cases of assault – “the unauthorized touching of another person”, according to Legal info — against health care workers at UNM Hospital. Two cases occurred at the Child Psychiatric Center, one at the Adult Psychiatric Center, and the locations of the other two cases were unspecified.

Simple battery

On Thursday, August 15, a pedestrian was allegedly punched in the face near North Campus, according to the police report.

Damage to property/graffiti

In addition to the SUB incident, another case of property damage/graffiti was noted in the log. On Tuesday, August 13, a vehicle was allegedly vandalized in the Cornell parking garage.

Lauren Lifke is editor-in-chief of the Daily Lobo. Reach her at [email protected] or @lauren_lifke

Lauren Lifke

Lauren Lifke is editor in chief of the Daily Lobo. Reach her at [email protected] or on Twitter at @lauren_lifke.