
Diann is awarded honorary citizenship of Wimborne Minster | The New Stour And Avon Magazine

Diann March, three-time mayor of Wimborne and important community figure, has been honored with honorary citizenship of the town.

Diann, who moved to Dorset in 1976, was elected as a councillor for Wimborne Minster in 1991 and has worked continuously for the area for more than three decades.

In addition to her work on the city council, she was involved in numerous municipal groups and initiatives, including the Wimborne Musical Theatre and the twin town associations Wimborne/Ochsenfurt and Wimborne/Valognes.

She has also volunteered at Green Cottage Riding for the Disabled, Wimborne Repair Café and Allendale Community Centre.

She has now been awarded honorary citizenship of Wimborne Minster – a rare honor.

A council spokesman said the authority was “delighted” to award Diann the title of Honorary Freeman of Wimborne Minster Cathedral.

“This prestigious award is one of the highest honors the city can bestow on an individual and recognizes Ms. March's outstanding contributions to the city council and the broader community,” they added.

Current Wimborne Mayor Jeff Hart presented Diann with a scroll and Freeman's badge during the general meeting on Tuesday 30 July.

In her acceptance speech, Ms. March thanked the city council for the honor.

“With this recognition, Ms March joins a distinguished group of individuals who have been celebrated for their services to Wimborne Minster,” the spokesman added.