
This Big Brother 26 star reveals why this alliance is in trouble


  • Cedric Hodges warns that Tucker as HOH means trouble for the Pentagon Alliance in Big Brother 26.
  • Tucker Des Lauriers, known for his big moves, surprises the players with his strategic gameplay.
  • Tucker's unpredictable nature as HOH promises chaos and drama in the coming weeks of Big Brother 26.

Following his recent departure from Big Brother 26Cedric Hodges reveals why the Pentagon Alliance is in trouble with Tucker Des Lauriers as the new HOH. Cedric came into the game and allied himself with Quinn Martin, Chelsie Baham, Cam Sullivan-Brown and Brooklyn Rivera and became known as the Pentagon Alliance. However, he was kicked out after trying to prove his loyalty not only to the Pentagon but also to the Collective Alliance. His elimination threw the house into disarray and Cedric believes Tucker's HOH victory could mean trouble for the Pentagon Alliance.

Big Brother
26 star Cedric Hodges reveals why the alliance with the Pentagon could be in trouble now that Tucker Des Lauriers is the new HOH.

In a recent article by US Weekly,Cedric revealed his concern for the Pentagon after finding out that Tucker was the new head of the family.“OK. Tucker won the wall contest… Makes sense. So they're in trouble.” he said. Cedric understands that Tucker is a real threat to the houseguests given his past performance. He continued: “Bro is a beast, Bro is a competitive beast and it is literally a pure physical and mental challenge.” Tucker eventually developed into a central threat in the series.


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Will Tucker get far with his game plan?

Tucker has made big steps in the game

Tucker played the game Big Brother 26 the way it should be played, which has given him a head start so far. Tucker shook up Big Brother 26 after using the Power of Veto on Angela Murray with the ultimate plan to double-cross Quinn. This move caught the entire house off guard and created a blindside moment that Big Brother Story. His alliance with Angela changed the mood of the gamewhich showcased Tucker's amazing gameplay and dynamic personality.

From the beginning Big Brother 26Tucker established himself as Big Brother Legend and competitive beast, winning one veto after another with plans to make big progress in the game. With these big moves he has made enemies in the game so far. However, that hasn't stopped him from dominating the game. Tucker has caused chaos throughout the house through cheating and manipulation, which Big Brother He hinted that he would like to get rid of Quinn, which would make every member of the Pentagon Alliance a target.

As Big Brother 26 another week begins, With Tucker as the new head of the family, there is sure to be plenty of chaos and drama. Tucker has been an unpredictable player without HOH power, so it will be interesting to see his big moves now that he's in power. Viewers should certainly expect the unexpected, especially since Tucker is still in contention.

Big Brother 26 airs Sundays at 9:00 p.m. EDT and Wednesdays and Thursdays at 8:00 p.m. EDT on CBS.

Source: US weekly newspaper