
Candace Cameron Bure used God’s Word to fight demonic spirits

Published: August 19, 2024

Candace Cameron Bure used God’s Word to fight demonic spirits
Photo from Candace Cameron Bures Instagram

GAF star used God's word to fight demonic forces

By Movieguide® Contributor

Candace Cameron Bure knows firsthand the power of God’s Word.

In a conversation with Dr. Josh and Christi Straub on their podcast, the FULL HOUSE actress shared a scary story from the past.

While her husband was away for an extended period of time filming a show, Bure and her children lived in a rental house that was “haunted.”

“So, I was home with the kids. When Val left, some really bad things happened in the house. And… I just knew my husband and protector of my home wasn't there,” she explained.

Even though something spiritual and dark was present, she knew that Jesus was with her.

“Jesus is with me, right? And one day Lev came to me and said, 'Mommy, I've been sleeping so badly and I can't sleep well at night.' And I knew there was just gross stuff in the house, but I didn't want to show the kids any fear or anything. So we prayed together and I said, 'Buddy, I'm going to pray for a good night's sleep.' And we prayed that we would get all of that.”

Bure did everything she could to get rid of the demonic thing that was in the house.

“When the kids went to bed, I anointed every doorframe and every window in that house. I prayed in every single room for everything that was demonic in that house,” she said. “And the Spirit of Jesus was already in my house. But I just invited the Holy Spirit back in to flood my house and overpower anything that might have been there. And then I wrote Bible verses on some little 3×5 cards and put several of them under my kids' mattresses… the Word of God was over them. And of course, I didn't tell my kids about it. That's just crazy, I do my thing.”

The next morning, Bure received confirmation that God had answered her prayers.

“Lev woke up, came to me and said, 'Mom, I slept better last night than I've ever slept.' And I thought I just changed the atmosphere in that haunted house, man. By the way, we broke our lease pretty early and moved out very quickly. We moved out very quickly after that.”

Ephesians 6:10-12 says, “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of this dark age, against spiritual forces of wickedness in high places.”

As Christians we are faced with things we cannot understand, but through Jesus we have the authority to cast out every evil and unclean spirit. The Word of God is powerful and God is with us. All we have to do is call on His name.

Movieguide® has already reported on why it is so important to create a God-centered atmosphere in our homes:

Josh believes it is important to pay attention to the environment in your home.

“If we do not pay attention to the environment of our home, the world will define that environment for us,” he stressed.

To improve this, the couple introduced weekly Sunday meetings for their family.

“It felt like we were getting older and life was getting faster and people were going in different directions. It was like a weekly check-in and the question we just asked, [our kids] is, 'What do you need from us this week?' And that seems really simple, but I think it's often – that's what we all need, so, 'What do you need?' And I think, for one, our kids have learned that it's OK to have needs,” Christi said.