
Americans kill their own children and support the death of the elderly

As someone who knows what God's Word teaches about the unborn and how precious every human being is, created in God's image (from conception on), I can hardly stand the many headlines these days. Whether it's reports of atrocities in far-off wars or yet another report of unborn babies being killed in America, the news often finds Christians crying out to God, wondering why He doesn't stop this evil immediately. And we find this same struggle throughout the Bible.

Take the prophet Habakkuk, for example. His short book is God's answer to his cry for the why God seems to give space to evil. God assures him that evil will be judged. And the book ends like this:

Even if the fig tree does not bloom,
still fruit on the vines,
the yields of the olive grove
and the fields produce no food,
the herd is eradicated from the herd
and there is no flock in the stables,
but I will be happy about the Mister;
I will rejoice in the God of my salvation.

Godthe Lord is my strength.
He makes my feet like the feet of a deer.
He makes me tread on my high places. (Habakkuk 3:17-19)

I would encourage you to keep this in mind as we discuss the following news – even if we do not see at the moment, God He has promised that He will bring His justice, but He hesitates because He is so merciful to sinners. And we can still have joy because God is our salvation and one day He will bring perfect justice for all sins (and we pray that the people mentioned in the following messages will receive justice in Christ on the cross).

Number of “self-performed” abortions increased Dobbs Decision

With the overthrow of Roe v. Wadethe abortion issue was returned to the states. Some states enshrined in their constitutions the so-called “right” of the mother to murder her unborn child (child sacrifice); others enacted almost complete bans on abortion (although it has never been illegal to murder a child in any state – unborn babies still do not enjoy the same protection under the law in any state).

A recent article lamented that it is difficult for some women to obtain an abortion today, highlighting that some of these women (3.4% of the sample) “self-manage” their abortions by using abortifacient herbs, “emergency contraception” (e.g., the abortifacient Plan B), alcohol and drugs, self-harm (punching themselves in the stomach), or the abortion pill (about two-thirds of all abortions in the United States are performed using abortion pills). The article quoted one of the study authors as saying, “Making abortion more difficult does not mean that people will need abortion less often.”

For many people, that is a compelling argument: “We don’t want women to hurt themselves, and they’re going to have abortions anyway, so we might as well make it safe and legal.” It’s these kinds of arguments that were used to legalize abortion in the 1970s, and now they’re cropping up again. But the argument is only “mandatory” if you don't think about the unborn child! This is not a “self-administered” root canal or appendectomy – a child's life is being ended. It is “self-administered” murder.

This is not a “self-inflicted” root canal or appendectomy – a child's life is being ended. It is “self-inflicted” murder.

When you consider that a human life is taken, whether by the hand of the mother who beats herself, by a doctor who dismembers the child, or by a drug that starves the child, the evil of what is really happening is revealed. A human life is being murdered – and that is evil.

Yes, people murder other people, whether it is legal or not. That doesn't mean we legalize murder and make it safer and easier for people. It means we protect the most vulnerable and pass laws that give all people equal protection so that no one can be legally murdered! Then we do what the church and Christians in this country are already doing – we offer love and support to mothers and fathers in need so they no longer feel like they “need” an abortion.

7 out of 10 Americans support legalized euthanasia

We truly do live in a culture of death. And this should come as no surprise—our post-Christian culture favors personal autonomy above all else and has no absolute moral standard by which to judge what is right or wrong. So as long as something “feels” right, compassionate, or gives a person more autonomy, it is quickly accepted. Consider a recent study that found that 71% of Americans “believe that doctors should be legally allowed to end a patient's life in a painless manner if the patient and family so desire.” This number has steadily increased since Gallup first polled it in 1947 (at that time, a shocking 37% were in favor!).

Human life has intrinsic value simply because we are created in God's image, not because we are young, physically fit or healthy.

It is very sobering that 7 out of 10 Americans believe doctors should be allowed to murder their patients – as long as the patient or family wishes it. Yes, getting older, suffering from a terminal illness or receiving a devastating prognosis can be incredibly difficult for everyone involved – it is a sad consequence of living in a sin-cursed world. But the compassionate answer is not a quick death at the hands of a doctor, because ultimately we are not our own gods (even though we try!). God is the one who holds life and death in his hands, not us. Human life has an intrinsic value, simply because we GodOur image is not affected by the fact that we are young, physically fit or healthy.

And as we have seen in countries like Canada, assisted suicide is an extremely sensitive issue, quickly expanding from the initial “strict requirements” to a much wider range of people, thus giving rise to abuse and manipulation.

Pray for this nation

Yes, our culture's thirst for blood in the name of personal autonomy and “compassion” is hard to stomach. But it should not surprise us. Human sacrifice – and especially child sacrifice – was common in pagan nations throughout human history. GodThe enemy Satan hates Gods image and will do everything he can to kill and destroy image bearers. This human sacrifice only appears more sterile in the modern medical sense, but it is no less barbaric. And it is no less a painful sin in the eyes of the one who shaped and fashioned every human life.

We must pray for our nation – pray for Gods mercy on us and that he may help us to remain faithful and defend those who are being led to the slaughter until one day he executes his perfect justice.

The solution lies in a change of heart and mind so that people believe the Word of God, base their thinking on the Word of God, develop a true Christian worldview, and trust in salvation through Christ.

But ultimately we must understand that the solution is not in government or in legislation. The solution is a change in hearts and minds so that people believe God's word, build their thinking GodObey the Word, have a genuine Christian worldview, and trust in salvation through Christ.

More answers to Reply Messages

This point was discussed today at Reply Messages with co-moderators Dr. Gabriela Haynes, Dr. Tim Chaffey and Kevin Hadsall. Reply Messages is our weekly news program filmed live in front of a studio audience here at the Creation Museum and posted on Answers TV. We also covered the following topics:

  • “Millions of years old” arch collapses.
  • The tiny arm bone belonged to the smallest prehistoric man.
  • Scientists have just discovered oceans of liquid water on Mars – but there’s a catch.
  • And more!

Watch the full episode of Reply Messages for August 19, 2024.

Don’t miss this week’s episode of Reply Messages via the embedded video above or on our streaming platform Answers TV. You won’t want to miss this unique news program that presents science and culture news from a distinctly biblical and Christian Perspective.

Thank you for stopping by and praying,

This article was written with support from the AiG research team.