
Bend man pleads not guilty in fatal stabbing attack on homeless man; trial date pending OSP toxicology results

BEND, Oregon (KTVZ) – A 31-year-old Bend man, Brian Lee Wynn, pleaded not guilty Monday to first-degree murder in the late May stabbing attack on another homeless man, David Carroll Hickman, 62,

After the fatal attack, Hickman's body was found at his campsite behind a gas station on North Highway 97.

According to Deschutes County District Attorney Steve Gunnels, Hickman's autopsy showed he suffered stab wounds that occurred during a welfare check within 24 hours of police discovering his body. He also said surveillance video showed Wynn was with him the night Hickman died.

Defense attorney Sarah Yates entered a not guilty plea on Wynn's behalf before District Judge Alycia Sykora.

Gunnels said prosecutors are seeking a two-week (eight-day) trial.

However, setting a trial date for Wynn has been delayed because prosecutors are still waiting for toxicology results from the OSP crime lab. He said the OSP initially told them they would need six to eight weeks.

“The six weeks are already over, so I expect we will get results in the next two weeks,” Gunnels said, suggesting that another hearing be held to clarify the trial dates.

Sykora scheduled the hearing for September 4.