
Arguments for AI training in your company

With artificial intelligence (AI) technology advancing at a rapid pace, it is becoming increasingly clear that the ability to harness its potential will become one of the key differentiators in the workplace.

Employers must therefore work together to train their employees in AI to harness its potential to optimize workflows.

Why this is so important is made clear in the recently released People at Work 2024 report, a survey by the ADP Research Institute (ADPRI) that questioned nearly 35,000 private sector workers in 18 countries about the role they think AI will play in their jobs in the coming years.

What was interesting about the survey was the fact that a large majority of respondents said that AI 'would' impact their jobs.

However, it also became clear that employees’ skills – or lack thereof – strongly influence their attitudes toward AI.

While most (60%) of respondents believe they have the skills needed to take their career to the next level in the next three years, less than half (47%) feel their employer is investing in the skills they need to advance (see below).

In addition, over half (53%) lack confidence that their employer is investing in the development of their skills.

This makes it clear that employees are much more positive about this new technology when their AI knowledge is improved.

Yet many companies are still hesitant and cautious when it comes to AI. In these rapidly changing times, this can slow progress and put them even further behind.

So how can the challenge of starting education in AI be met?

The gap in the adoption of artificial intelligence

Let's start with the fact that many companies' reactions to AI vary greatly.

Some are starting to ban the use of AI until they can establish clear policies.

Others are taking a more permissive stance and allowing their employees to use AI tools for tasks such as writing emails or presentations, as long as no sensitive data is shared.

Between these two extremes lie organizations that conduct internal pilot projects to explore the potential of artificial intelligence while maintaining tight control over its application.

While this cautious approach is entirely understandable, it may need to be reconsidered in some situations.

Employees looking to improve their efficiency often turn to AI on their own initiative, sometimes before they understand the actual understanding or guardrails.

However, instead of this ad hoc use, companies can highlight the benefits of a thoughtful and informed adoption of AI tools.

Closing the gap between AI and everyday work

A major focus of integrating AI into the workplace is bridging the gap between leisure and professional use.

Many people's first exposure to AI is at home, perhaps through the news, a child's homework, word of mouth, or even casual experimentation.

This familiarity should be used to facilitate the transition of AI into the workplace.

However, to anchor AI in a professional context, it is important to provide clear examples of its practical applications and benefits.

For example, HR professionals could use AI to optimize hiring processes, write job descriptions, provide intelligent employee self-services, and improve employee retention strategies.

By presenting AI as a tool that can make everyday tasks more efficient and less tedious, companies can help their employees see their value beyond any biases.

AI competence for all employees

AI competence should not be limited to a single department.

Every team, from sales, finance, marketing to customer service, can benefit from understanding the potential of AI.

Encouraging non-technical employees to participate in AI discussions and brainstorming sessions can lead to unexpected and innovative applications of the technology.

We know that people are already using AI tools in many ways, whether in their daily work or at home. For example, developers are using them to refine their projects. Others may use them to improve presentations, as AI's ability to distill complex information into concise, meaningful slides has proven invaluable.

It's also a powerful tool for quick research. Before receiving training, many employees have to figure things out on their own, which can lead to inconsistent and sometimes risky practices.

To address this issue, some companies offer internal training to educate their employees about the company's policies, guardrails and stance on the use of AI.

Some also encourage their employees to take courses from recognized and credible external training providers.

This approach ensures that employees are familiar with basic AI concepts while promoting deeper understanding and more effective use of the technology.

It is important to remember that learning does not always have to be formal training.

For example, team members can present their AI projects and results in regular meetings and thus give other employees tips and ideas.

However, it might be helpful to have subject matter experts in each unit – someone who is passionate about how to best use AI to create more value in that department.

These sessions, combined with resources such as an AI Community of Practice where the latest research and developments are shared, can foster a culture of innovation and collaboration.

Continuous learning and adaptation

To impart AI knowledge to employees, it is not enough to just offer courses. It is more about creating an environment that encourages continuous learning and adaptation.

The rapid development of AI makes this necessary.

To keep pace with these changes, a proactive approach to education and training is needed.

Regular refreshers and updates ensure that employees always have the latest knowledge and best practices.

Micro-learning can be particularly effective in this context.

Short, focused and easy-to-understand training can help employees stay up to date without overwhelming them.

These sessions can be delivered through various channels, such as the company intranet or as video clips, making learning accessible and convenient.

Retaining talent

Everyone knows that in a competitive job market, training valuable employees is one of the best ways to retain them. Employees want to be relevant and useful.

Fortunately, good employers agree on the importance of learning and development, according to the latest data from ADP's Market Pulse survey of over 1,500 business leaders and hiring managers.

Companies of all sizes ranked “learning and development/employee training programs” as one of the most important offerings to employees to both attract and retain them.

Whether you call it retraining, upskilling or simply training, employers today need to keep their employees up to date with the latest technology.

AI has enormous potential to transform the workplace, but its successful integration requires a thoughtful and strategic approach.

Companies must overcome their fears and hesitations and accept AI as a tool to increase efficiency and innovation.

By providing structured training, fostering a culture of continuous learning, and supporting ethical engagement, companies can empower their employees to use AI effectively.

Ultimately, those who adapt and leverage the power of AI will have better opportunities in the evolving job market.