
The fascinating and tragic true story of the Kati Ghati Gateway

In the heart of Madhya Pradesh, nestled in the historic town of Chanderi, stands a colossal monument that embodies both historical ambition and tragic folklore: the Kati Ghati gate. Built from a single, massive rock, this gate is 24 metres high and 12 metres wide. It is fascinating that a film like Stree, which stirs up ghostly tales and eerie events, is set in a fictional town called Chanderi. But the real story behind Kati Ghati is a blend of historical ambition and tragic folklore that is far more chilling than any cinematic creation.

The haunting story behind Chanderi’s Kati Ghati

The Kati Ghati Gate was commissioned in 1495 AD by Jiman Khan, the son of Sher Khan, the then governor of Chanderi. This massive rock-cut gate was intended to be a magnificent entrance to welcome the Sultan of Malwa. The task of cutting through a massive rock face to create this gate was nothing short of herculean, especially given the tools and technology of the time.

The story takes a dark turn when the man who had taken on the task completed the gate and found it to be incomplete. The gate, 24 metres high and 12 metres wide, had been carved with meticulous precision, but it was missing a crucial element: a door. This omission left Chanderi vulnerable, as the gate now served as an open passageway, exposing the city to potential invaders.

The realization that he had inadvertently compromised Chanderi's safety with his tremendous efforts was too much for the mason. Overwhelmed by grief and shame, he took his own life and his remains were buried near the gate.

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A great performance with a tragic twist

According to local legend, the Mason's ghost still haunted the gate, his ghostly presence a grim reminder of the tragic blemish on his otherwise monumental achievement. For many years, locals believed the Mason's ghost would remain at the gate, blocking the entrance like a missing door.

The 2018 Hindi film Stree brought renewed attention to Chanderi. The film's eerie plot revolves around a witch who kidnaps men and leaves behind only their clothes. Although Stree was shot in Chanderi and Bhopal, the story is a fictional horror film inspired by various legends.

Interestingly, Stree's spooky tale is loosely based on the Kannada legend 'Nale Ba' or 'Come Tomorrow'. This folk tale is about a ghost that knocks on doors at night, after which the villagers write 'Nale Ba' on their doors to ward off the ghost.

While the supernatural elements popularized in films like ‘Stree’ draw the masses, the true essence of ‘Kati Ghati’ lies in its historical context and grim legend that gives it a unique, if somewhat sinister, character.

Cover image courtesy of: Arjun Kumar/X

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