
Backyard Sports has released a new trailer!

This is not a drill! Backyard Sports just released a trailer announcing its return. The Backyard Sports games were essential for kids in the late 90's and early 00's. It all started in 1997 with the classic Backyard Baseball for PC. The Backyard series grew in popularity and Baseball got a sequel, as well as Backyard Football and the lesser known Backyard Soccer. That's a shame, because Backyard Soccer was fantastic and I'm not even a fan of the sport. To add a special touch, more and more professional athletes were shown as children. By the mid-2000's, the Backyard series included basketball, hockey, and skateboarding. As the series expanded, they changed the look. To appeal to a growing and new audience, the developers moved from cartoon graphics to more modern imagery, and the characters began to grow up. The Backyard series expanded from a PC exclusive to PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, GameCube, Gameboy, and Wii in late 2007. However, its core audience outgrew it, and the next generation of kids weren't as excited about it. Backyard Sports was relegated to a nostalgic memory. Pablo Sanchez was featured on lists of “greatest fictional athletes” and streamers featured it on their Twitch channels. Today marks the return of a cornerstone of our gaming youth. We learned how to manage a team. We got a plethora of different characters, each with their own niche, and pitches that we still remember today. I hope the kids like it, because this game shaped us. The trailer took me back to 1998 at my family's desktop computer.