
Hate crime charges against 5 teens in Rehoboth Beach incident


Citizen groups are speaking out after police charged five teenagers with hate crimes in Rehoboth Beach on Saturday.

Late one night, five teenagers approached three women and suggested that “their behavior in public was inappropriate,” police said in a news release. One of the teens fired an airsoft gun at the women before they all got into a car and left the area, police said.

“The only reason the suspects stopped to confront the victims was because of their perception of (the victims') sexual orientation,” the press release said.

CAMP Rehoboth, a nonprofit organization based near the incident site, and joint local nonprofits Speak Out Against Hate and Sussex Pride have released statements regarding the incident.

“Hate crimes of any kind are not just attacks on individuals; they are attacks on the very fabric of our common humanity,” CAMP Rehoboth's statement said. “We want to make it clear that such acts of hatred and violence have no place in our community. The safety and well-being of every person, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, is our top priority.”

What happened

Around 2 a.m. Saturday morning, three women stopped a police officer, according to a press release from Rehoboth Beach police.

The women were in the area of ​​Baltimore Avenue and Second Street when five juveniles got out of a car and approached them, the release said. After stating “that their behavior was not appropriate in public,” one of the suspects fired an airsoft gun at the women before getting back into the car and leaving the area.

The suspect's car was spotted by a Dewey Beach police officer and stopped on Coastal Highway, where the five teens and a 21-year-old driver were arrested. Police concluded that “the only reason the suspects stopped to confront the victims was because of their perception of (the victims') sexual orientation,” the news release said.

Two 15-year-olds and a 14-year-old from Rehoboth, a 15-year-old from Blades and a 13-year-old from Lewes were each charged with three serious threats and one minor hate crime, as well as numerous other offenses, and released to their parents and guardians.

The 21-year-old Bridgeville man behind the wheel was charged with disorderly conduct.

“Vulnerable and shaken”

“These acts of violence, which are in stark contrast to the values ​​of respect and equality, have left us vulnerable and shaken,” CAMP Rehoboth said in a statement.

In their joint statement, both CAMP Rehoboth and Speak Out Against Hate/Sussex Pride praised the police for their intervention and expressed their condolences to the victims.

“It is heartbreaking to see how young many of the suspects in this crime are,” the joint statement said. “We sincerely hope that these young people learn and grow from this incident.”

Speak Out Against Hate and Sussex Pride pointed to the Leadership Conference Education Fund’s report Cause for Concern 2024: The State of Hate, which found that hate crimes increase during election periods.

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“We are witnessing this disturbing development and it is now more important than ever that members of our community remain vigilant,” the statement said.

Data shows that reported hate crimes are on the rise in Delaware and across the country, despite the lack of a federal hate crimes law or reporting requirement, meaning that far more incidents are likely being committed than are being reported.

If you are a victim or witness of a hate crime, the Delaware Department of Justice recommends that you immediately call 911 and file a report.

Shannon Marvel McNaught covers Southern Delaware and beyond. Reach her at [email protected] or on Twitter at @MarvelMcNaught.