
Army veteran sentenced to 40 years in prison for murder; fiancé to appeal

SAN ANTONIO – A U.S. Army veteran was sentenced to 40 years in prison Tuesday for killing a man outside a Leon Valley apartment complex in April 2022.

Kenith Harden, who was convicted earlier this summer, was found guilty of shooting Darion Dixon with a shotgun.

During the sentencing hearing, prosecutors revealed that Harden had a long criminal history and had been arrested twenty times for serious crimes.

“There is no evidence in the PSI or anywhere else that Mr. Harden shows remorse or accepts responsibility for the crime he committed,” said prosecutor Kevin Stone.

Judge Kristina Escalona of the 186th District Court recognized Harden's service to his country, but stressed that she took into account the evidence from the trial and his criminal record in making her decision.

“The court sentenced you to 40 years in the Institutional Division of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice,” Escalona said.

Harden's fiancée, Leeann Bosquez, who was present at the sentencing, defended him, arguing that Harden was wrongfully convicted and the trial was unfair.

“The trial, what his lawyer did and what he didn't do. His lawyer was crap. He's a court-appointed lawyer, so of course they don't know [have the defendant’s interest in mind],” Bosquez said. “And we will appeal the decision for poor advice.”

Bosquez also argued that although Harden had a criminal record, he was not the cold-hearted killer he was portrayed as in court.

“People do things in their past that they shouldn't have done. Kenneth is not the person they portray him to be,” she said.

As Harden begins his sentence, Bosquez vowed to continue fighting for his innocence.

“We will fight this. We will definitely overcome this. God is behind us and God knows the truth,” Bosquez said.

Harden will receive credit for time already served, but he will be eligible for parole after serving half of his sentence.

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