
Elderly man accused of starting recent fires in Attica remanded in custody

Elderly man accused of starting recent fires in Attica remanded in custody

An 80-year-old man accused of causing four fires in northeastern Attica on August 11 was remanded in custody pending trial after testifying before an investigating judge.

At noon on the day in question, three fires broke out almost simultaneously in the suburb of Glyka Nera, about 100 metres apart, and another one in the evening of the same day.

The fires would destroy around 10,000 hectares of forest and land within three days.

According to surveillance footage collected by authorities, the suspect appeared to throw burning material from his car onto the dry grass.

During a search of his house and car, empty canisters were found. According to a source in the fire service, these canisters were carrying petrol, 15 Zippo lighters, five mobile phones and 210,000 euros in cash, according to Kathimerini.