
MORE VIDEO: Prison footage shows officers stepping between inmate and police officer

Prison guards stop a fired Jonesboro police officer from hitting an inmate at the Craighead County Detention Center on August 8.

JONESBORO, Arkansas – The Craighead County Sheriff's Office has released two new videos related to the excessive use of force incident involving former police officer Joseph Harris and inmate Billy Coram.

The sheriff's office released the two videos on Wednesday, August 21, in response to a records request. They depict events from August 8. Neither video contains audio. The first video shows the inmate arriving at Sally Port, the area of ​​the jail that is cordoned off after inmates are brought in. At first glance, this video does not appear to contain any significant new information.

However, it is the second video that provides additional insight into the actions of the deputies and jailers between then-Officer Harris and the inmate. As the video begins from the booking room, the inmate is brought in and continues to struggle with Sheriff's Office personnel. Officer Harris follows him, and as the inmate walks toward him, the officer appears to extend his left hand toward the inmate. The jailers pull the inmate back and then immediately tell Harris to “leave.”

Sheriff's office deputies prevent Joseph Harris from continuing to beat inmate Billy Corum at the Craighead County Detention Center on August 8.
Prison guards eject the now-fired police officer after he attacked a shackled and handcuffed inmate at the Craighead County Detention Center on August 8.

Deputy Chief Justin Rolland said it was Ditto who first alerted his superiors to the apparent excessive use of force, which led to the JPD reviewing the video on August 9 and immediately firing Harris.

The investigation into the incident is ongoing by both the Arkansas State Police and the FBI in Little Rock.

The Sheriff's Office also released a third video, which NEA Report previously reported on and can be viewed here:

NEW VIDEO: Fired police officer beat inmate in prison before officers intervened

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