
Representative of the Prime Minister visits injured Pakistani pilgrims after tragic bus accident

TEHRAN: Following the devastating bus accident involving Arbaeen pilgrims from Pakistan, Ayatollah Mohammadreza Naseri, the representative of the revolutionary leader in Yazd province, visited the injured victims to express his condolences.

The accident, which tragically killed 28 people and injured many more, has deeply shocked both Iranian and Pakistani societies.

Early Wednesday morning, Ayatollah Naseri arrived at Shahid Beheshti Hospital in Taft, where many of the injured had been admitted.

During his visit, Ayatollah Naseri personally checked on the well-being of the victims and spoke with them and medical staff to ensure they received the best possible care.

Ayatollah Naseri expressed his deep sadness over the tragic event and conveyed his heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims in Pakistan and Iran.

He conveyed the greetings and condolences of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, and stressed the deep sorrow of the Iranian leadership.

“We are all deeply shocked by the news of this accident, which left 28 people dead and many more injured,” he said. “We are determined to do everything in our power to support the recovery of those injured.”

Iranian Foreign Ministry expresses condolences over Pakistani pilgrim bus tragedy

Nasser Kanaani, spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry, also expressed his deep sadness over the tragic accident.

In a statement shared on X (formerly Twitter), Kanaani expressed his condolences to the people of Pakistan and the families of those who lost their lives in the accident.

“We are deeply saddened and shocked by the death and injury of several dear Pakistani pilgrims due to the overturning of their bus,” Kanaani wrote on Wednesday.

Kanaani further assured that the relevant authorities and institutions of the Islamic Republic of Iran are continuing their efforts with utmost diligence, focusing on rescue operations, relief services and medical care for the injured.