
Is Thailand also in trouble as host of the SEA Games?

With the cancellation of the 6th Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games (AIMAG), there is speculation that Thailand's hosting of the 33rd Southeast Asian Games from December 9 to 20 next year is also in limbo.

A senior sports official told DAILY TRIBUNE yesterday that the SEA Games governing council is preparing for the worst after Thailand officially cancelled its hosting of the AIMAG on Monday.

Various factors contributed to the cancellation of the AIMAG.

According to the Olympic Council of Asia, Thailand was unable to raise enough money to host the prestigious continental event, lacking infrastructure in Bangkok and Chonburi and other conditions.

However, insiders believe that the cancellation is due to the frosty relationship between the leadership of the National Olympic Council (NOC) of Thailand and the newly appointed head of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports.

In fact, Thai Sports Minister Sermsak Pongpanich called for a review of the budget allocated to host AIMAG after the number of sports was reduced from 38 with 14,000 athletes to 24 with only 1,938 athletes.

The source said if the Thai NOC and the Sports Ministry do not see eye to eye in the coming months, preparations for the SEA Games will suffer, which could ultimately lead to a postponement.

“We must remember that for a country to host the SEA Games, there must be what is called a 'government guarantee,' which means that the national government fully assumes responsibility for hosting the event,” said the source, who played a key role in the Philippines' hosting of the SEA Games in 2005 and 2019.

“Securing the 'government guarantee' means that you have the support of the national government and that you have the assurance that all resources and manpower will be made available for the success of the Games.”

“However, if the organizers of the Thailand SEA Games fail to obtain this very important commitment, I doubt that the SEA Games will even take place there.”

The Philippines is looking forward to participating in the SEA Games after completing its most successful Olympic season with two gold and two bronze medals.

In their last appearance at the biennial meet in Cambodia last year, the Filipinos won 58 gold medals – the highest number of gold medals ever at a SEA Games outside the Philippines.