
Senator Barbara Washington of Missouri encouraged by Michelle Obama's fighting words

Former First Lady Michelle Obama is known for her statement, “When they sink low, we rise high.” But not last night at the Democratic National Convention. She found combative words.

Senator Barbara Washington (D-Kansas City) said the speech encouraged her.

“Michelle Obama's speech was finally more combative than it was four years ago. It was about when they go low, we rise high. She didn't say that last night. She said when they go low, punch them in the gut. And I think we need to hear that in Missouri,” Washington told Missourinet. “Especially as a superminority, we can only win if we have to fight. We don't have to be dirty, but we have to fight. We have to let them know that we are the Show-Me State. But it's time for us to show them what we can do. And in the words of Harry Truman, 'This is where the responsibility ends.' We will not tolerate the stupidity of the Freedom Caucus and other people any more.”

Washington, a delegate to the DNC, acknowledges the experience.

“I've never been to a convention, but I see that the energy is high for Kamala. I think the energy is maybe higher than for Obama,” Washington said. “Bernie is already on board. Hillary is on board. Obama is on board. Everyone is on board because they know that the future of our country is Kamala Harris.”

Donald Trump's campaign team said the Democrats would focus on Trump on political issues such as problems at the border and higher inflation.

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