
Lexington mother calls for safer roads after fatal accident

LEXINGTON, Ky. (WKYT) – Deborah Allen's son, 23-year-old Zachary Allen, was riding his motorcycle through the intersection of Mason Headley and Beacon Hill Road Thursday evening.

“I really want something good to come out of this senseless tragedy.”

He and 30-year-old Zachary Blessing, who was riding a bicycle, collided. Both men died.

“Not only did Zachary die, another Zachary died. If there's anything we can do to save even one life, it's worth it.”

Allen said she was at the scene of the accident. She said it was a dangerous intersection with poor visibility and no bike lane.

“This street needs a major overhaul. The trees have grown over the traffic lights. You can't even see the lights or the status of the lights.”

Allen also points out that only one side of the street along Beacon Hill has a sidewalk.

“Lexington is becoming more of a metropolis, and different aspects of life converge on the streets at all times of the day and night. More safety measures need to be taken.”

Two families are now mourning.

“He was our protector. He was everything. I don't know what to do next.”

He leaves Allen a message for anyone who will listen.

“To properly hug your loved ones. Every day. To never take a moment for granted. Not a single moment. Love like my son loved. And let's make some changes in our community so no one else has to suffer.”

A GoFundMe campaign has been set up to help the Allens with funeral expenses. More information can be found at this link.