
Uber driver allegedly showed passengers explicit photos and is wanted for questioning in Clovis

CLOVIS, Calif. (KFSN) – A woman says her Uber ride through the streets of Clovis turned scary when the driver started asking her strange questions and showing her sexually explicit photos.

A terrifying turn of events occurred in broad daylight Sunday afternoon for a woman in Clovis after she ordered an Uber just to get her nails done.

First, the driver is said to have asked her questions about whether she was single and whether she had children.

“Next, he starts talking about sexual things he wants to do with her and she starts to feel uncomfortable,” said the victim's friend, Maribel Aguilar.

According to Clovis police, the woman also stated that the driver showed her photos of male genitalia.

The passenger said she fled the vehicle at a red light at the corner of Shaw and Peach and believed the driver may have been trying to lock the door at that moment.

Maribel Aguilar is friends with the woman and says she received a hysterical phone call moments later.

“My heart sank, she called me – it was a really close friend of mine – she called me not only to tell me what had happened, but also to warn me because my daughter also takes Uber to work every day,” Aguilar said.

Just a few months ago, also in Clovis, a man turned himself in after allegedly sexually assaulting a woman he had picked up while posing as a rideshare driver.

Now police are reminding people to check their rideshare and note the make, model, license plate and a photo of the driver.

“Let friends or family know where you are going and when you are expected there,” said Clovis Police Corporal Sean O'Brien.

In this latest case, the Uber driver was driving a white Honda Accord Hybrid.

“Officers on scene were able to identify the driver as a 28-year-old resident of the city of Fresno. His name is Akosh and he has no last name,” O'Brien said.

Detectives are trying to locate the driver, who is wanted for questioning.

We contacted Uber about the incident and they sent us the following statement:

“The driver's report is deeply concerning. We have removed this driver's access to the app while we continue the investigation. We stand ready to assist law enforcement in their investigation.”

The case has now been handed over to the public prosecutor’s office.

According to police, the driver faces misdemeanor charges.

For the latest news, follow Brianna Willis on Facebook, Þjórsárdalur and Instagram.

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