
Mental health advocate supports call for new JoCo prison

A mental health advocate stressed the need for a new jail before the Johnson County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday.

Leslie Carpenter believes the area needs a new facility. She is the latest person to advocate for improvements and renovations to the old building.

Like other voices, including Sheriff Brad Kunkel, Carpenter told supervisors during their work session Tuesday that the current jail is overcrowded and falling apart.

“We need a safe facility to humanely treat people with the most serious mental illnesses and substance abuse disorders. We need to help them get out of psychosis and into a healthy place. I am working tirelessly to make that happen. I have dedicated my life to this work, but in the meantime we need a new, bigger, modern prison,” said physical therapist and mental health advocate Leslie Carpenter.

Sheriff Kunkel proposes a new $80 million facility with 140 beds and space for mental health services.

The supervisors will meet again next Wednesday, August 28, to discuss the plan.